The World is a miserable and unjust place. And even in our homey world of Death Metal a lot of bands can sing a song or two about it. While mediocre (even established) bands and releases get praised by the masses like sour beer way beyond their actual value, real original bands with outstanding killer releases stay largely unnoticed and heavily underrated. Norwegian THE DEVIANT, with personal connections to GEHENNA and 122 STAB WOUNDS among others, belong to the latter category. Their 2005 debut album "Ravenous Deathworship" is a remarkable and stunning album with high recognition value and no filler, just killer songs of very tight, aggressive, relentless and timeless Death Metal. And the album contains a nowadays quite rare quality that deserves to be labeled that way indeed: SONGS! In January 2018 THE DEVIANT unleashed their second opus called "Lightning Bolts", which lately came to our attention and got us hooked immediately from start to finish, so we had no other choice than to get in touch with THE DEVIANT right away. Enjoy what Violator (guitar) and Dolgar (vocals / bass) had to tell.
Greetings to you Dolgar, I guess nearly everyone into Death and Black Metal is familiar with your name and at least with one of your previous bands, most of all GEHENNA (with whom you played for 19 years and participated on every release up to date), besides shorter memberships with FORLORN and TWIN OBSCENITY (with each of the latter recording one single album). The most recent band you are part of since 2003 is THE DEVIANT. So how did you get involved with this horde?
Dolgar: "Greetings to you as well Thomas. Well, the band was already in the process of recording the demo when I joined. I was originally asked to do some guest vocals only, but things took an unexpected turn in the studio. I think all instruments were done, and only vocals remained. So the day I came to the studio, I arrived earlier than the vocalist / bassist Tor Arne Fasotte, and just went at it. And when my planned contribution was done, and the original vocalist had not yet showed up, we just continued working. I do not remember if that guy ever showed up at all that day, but (and I was not present at this time, so it might have gotten it wrong) when he finally showed, and heard all the work we had done (that he was supposed to have done), he got pissed and disappointed I guess. So Violator called me a few days later and asked me if I wanted to do all the vocals, because of how the original guy had reacted. And I also guess the rest of the band liked the work I had done. The story does not end quite there though, because I was only there for the studio work at first, not as a member of the band. I was not sure if I could find time for another band at this point. They had to get another vocalist for the first gig(s?) they did. That turned out to not work either, and I eventually joined. I of course knew all the guys from way back long before there was any band to join, and both Blod (RIP) and E.N.Death had also been in GEHENNA (and FORLORN, though before my time with them)."
To start with, let’s dig a bit in the history of THE DEVIANT. I don’t know anything about the early years and the background of THE DEVIANT except for what is mentioned on Metal Archives, THE DEVIANT being founded after the demise of 122 STAB WOUNDS (former AGONY) together with GEHENNA members. What is important to know? What were your intentions forming the band? Can we view THE DEVIANT as a continuation of 122 STAB WOUNDS or do you consider THE DEVIANT as a completely new entity?
Dolgar: "You got most of that spot on already. I do not remember the exact year of these events, but AGONY turned into 122 STAB WOUNDS (as a continuation). We do not view THE DEVIANT as a continuation of 122 STAB WOUNDS, although I know some do. We actually did record a 122 STAB WOUNDS song during the “Ravenous…” sessions, but chose not to release it. Not because we do not like it, but we did not feel it was right for the album, or for the band."
122 STAB WOUNDS released their one and only album "The Deity Of Perversion" in 1996, which containes a very own, gloomy and sinister version of Swedish inspired Death Metal (if I may put it that simple). All that I know is that 122 STAB WOUNDS broke up in 2001. Digging a bit in the past again, what can you reveal about the time being in 122 STAB WOUNDS? Any good memories you want to share? Why did you break up in the end?
Violator: "The breakup happened mainly because of other members pursuing other bands, FORLORN, GEHENNA. And left me with with my dick in my hand, haha. Three members left, Henning, Blod, and E.N Death. When I started THE DEVIANT, Blod & E.N Death came back. Good memories? Not really. In hindsight I think we should just kept our old name AGONY."
"The Deity Of Perversion" was released on the famous Norwegian label Head Not Found. How did you get in touch with Metallion / HNF. How did both, contact and contract looked like. I guess you were / are quite proud to have the chance releasing your music via such a reputable label. Besides, what are your favourite Head Not Found releases?
Violator: "It was the vocalist (Henning Ulseth aka Alvarin Forlorn) who did the whole penpal thing in the 90s. Guess we just sent him a demo. Favorite release I’m not sure. ULVER maybe."
In 2004 THE DEVIANT released their solely demo recording called "Intimate Skinning". I do not know the demo except for the two songs published on Every demo song ended on your debut album "Ravenous Deathworship", except for the intro ‘Stark’. Can we consider the demo as a test recording and appetizer for "Ravenous Deathworship"? What else is there to know about the demo?
Violator: "Yeah that’s right, we had all nine songs ready, and demoed four of them. About the demo, it was recorded by the same dude who recorded "Ravenous Deathworship"."
Your debut album with THE DEVIANT "Ravenous Deathworship" was released by Norwegian Tabu Recordings in 2005. How did you get in contact with them and how did you finally end up on their roster? For how many albums did you sign and what was the deal about? As you are apparently not signed to Tabu Recordings any more, why did you go separate ways in the meantime?
Violator: "They contacted us. They heard the "Urørt" songs and signed us to their label. We signed for one, and option for one."
Dolgar: "I think the deal was for 1 album with option for one more. But the label faded away more or less. I think some of the last contact we had, was us asking for the possibility of obtaining rights to license the album to other labels (vinyl first and foremost)."
Violator: "Yeah we wanted to print vinyl at our own expence, but the cunt who managed the label just pretended to be stupid. Didn’t get a yes or no and the whole shitty Tabu faded into oblivion."
Dolgar: "That was also many years ago now. I know the album is available digitally so someone must govern the labels roster, but I’ll be damned if I know who… Which is a fucked up shame of course. And also one of the reasons why we wanted to do the next albums on our own, to own the rights ourselves."
Even though you were signed to a label with a rather good distribution (as far as I can judge, at least I saw "Ravenous Deathworship" on the shelves of one of the bigger electronic markets here in Germany back then) I have got the impression that THE DEVIANT and "Ravenous Deathworship" was simply overlooked in 2005 (and back then we did not have such a large amount of new releases in old school Death Metal compared to nowadays). Do you think that you were just ahead of the time as your style of Death Metal was perhaps not that much in the same focus and appreciated as it is today? What are the reasons from your point of view that THE DEVIANT and "Ravenous Deathworship" stayed that unnoticed even up to this day?
Dolgar: "I agree it was overlooked. I do not blame the label, they did try to promote the album (at least in the parts of the world / marked that we saw). The label also made it clear to us at the time that breaking a new band was a lot harder (in 2005) than it used to be in the 90s. You might have a point in regards of the popularity of Death Metal then vs now. But I will in all honesty point the blaming finger towards ourselves first and foremost for the lack of “success” for the album. We were not able to tour, and I think that was most of the problem. As a new band we had zero money, and not being able to work for free (which touring is for new bands) for weeks on weeks, touring was not an option. Secondly, we were a bit reluctant to promote the band as “the new band of this guy and this guy…”, we wanted it to get a chance to be its own entity. We could probably have done a lot more to promote ourselves, not least we could have tried to accept just a few gigs (even for low payment) to get things started, but who knows. Maybe the marked just was not there."
I cannot remember reading any reviews for "Ravenous Deathworship" or any interviews with THE DEVIANT (maybe because I just was neglecting to read bigger magazines???). So how were the responses to "Ravenous Deathworship" back then? Has it changed during the last 13 years?
Dolgar: "There were reviews and interviews in Norway at least, further than that I do not know how much there was. I did not do any way near as many interviews as I did for GEHENNA, but not sure how much the other guys did. The response (that I know of) was good, but sales were still lacking. Filesharing might have something to do with this, I don’t know. Now with streaming at least you get a better idea of what people are listening to than you did with filesharing. I guess now 13 years later there are some hardcore fans, but we should not fool ourselves into thinking we can sit on our asses and let the music do all the work on its own. Things have changed a lot in the business of music, and there is no way to measure success in sales numbers. You might sell 10 copies of a CD, but still sell out a full club for a gig, because people consume music by streaming, and any band might have a lot more followers than record sales implies. People come to the few gigs that we do, so we are not entirely forgotten, haha."
"Ravenous Deathworship" was and still is one of those rare recordings with "no filler, just killer" songs, containing ferocious and razor sharp riffs mixed with sinister melodies (take ‘Purity Of Hate’ as example), full-force drumming and very sick vocals that really drive me insane! Right from the start, also from judging the demo songs online, you already had your very own sound and specific style (besides, in this regard your moniker is very well chosen). Was there any bigger master plan right from the start or did you develop naturally into that sound THE DEVIANT stands for? What were your intentions or moods while composing the songs?
Violator: "Thanks. I think I just try to make good catchy song, with a "red thread" through them. I’d like to think my songwriting has evolved since "Ravenous" to the better."
Dolgar: "Thank you. The music was written before I joined the band, so I will leave it to Violator to talk about that. We had specific ideas for the production, and we knew what we wanted. I think many (at least young) bands go into the studio just hoping things will work out, not really knowing what to do to get their own sound. A good song can easily get ruined by the production during recording, so this should not be taken lightly. We use our own amps etc as much as possible when recording, to ensure we get our own sound. Which also helps in getting the same sound live (more or less)."
How do you see the production of "Ravenous Deathworship" nowadays? From my humble opinion the production offers a lot of raw energy and lives up to the quite rare phenomenon, that the band appears to play nearly live in your room. The guitar tone is always sawing, gnawing and shredding (just take the song ‘Serpent’!) while Dolgar’s vocals are tearing your heart apart. The only small detail I would like to have changed is the attack of the bass drum, that is a bit too loud in the mix for my taste.
Dolgar: "I agree! Now I do not want to sound like an asshole, but I must agree with what I heard many years ago: do not bring the drummer for the mixing of the recording (sorry to Blod and all other drummers). I love a hard kicking drumsound as much as any other Metalhead, but quite often drummers want even more, haha! Jokes aside though, the drums are a bit on the loud side on “Ravenous”. Bass drum in particular. This is not a rare flaw in extreme Metal though, especially late 90s and early 2000s. Other than that I think the production has held up very well. Not overproduced, not sounding too digital. And yes, far too often recordings lack a feeling of presence, so thank you for saying the album sounds like we are nearly there in your room. I think we picked this up from listening to SLAYER amongst others."
There is a gap of 13 years between "Ravenous Deathworship" and the follow up, your new album "Lighting Bolts". What were / are the reasons for the break, what did you do in the meantime? Were the members of THE DEVIANT involved in any other projects?
Dolgar: "The 13-year gap was not planned. Some of the songs on “Lightning Bolts” were written almost immediately after “Ravenous” (‘Night Of The Mortars’ and ‘Those Of The Dead’). What first happened was that we felt no rush, and were not pushed by any labels. Don’t know if Tabu had plans of using their option for one more album, but they faded away before long too. Then we lost our rehearsal space, next the second guitarist left the band, and (sadly) Blod was not in the best of health. Violator moved a bit away from town, I had GEHENNA and two small children to occupy most of my time. THE DEVIANT just faded away for some time. We did not decide to quit or anything. I did two more album with GEHENNA during these years, and oversaw all the reissues of the GEHENNA catalogue. Bomber (our new drummer) had another band called MORKEMENN, and I think Violator played in a Punk band called HAGGIS during some of those years."
In between both albums you went through some line-up changes. What were the reasons for your drummer Jan Egil "Blod" Fosse and guitarist Frode "E.N. Death" Sivertsen leaving the band?
Dolgar: "E.N.Death just got tired of the hassle I think. He was still into the music, but tired of rehearsing and everything else that goes with being in a band. Sad story with Blod, but he was struggling with addiction at this time, and being a drummer at his level does not go well with that (not that anything else goes well with addictions!!). I know he wanted to try getting back on the horse at some point, but it was a long hard road out of hell, as they say."
Just as I compiled the questions for this interview I read that your former drummer Jan Egil "Blod" Fosse died some days before on September 04, 2018. My sincere condolence to all of you! Do you want to share some moments or thoughts you recall most when thinking of him?
Dolgar: "Thank you. Yes, sadly he passed away. As mentioned he had a tough battle with addiction, but he had just made it out of rehab and was, if I have it all correct, clean when he passed away. He attended our show a month or so before he passed, and at that point looked like he was doing a lot better. He died of a heart attack in his home. I can share a few good moments though; he was a great drummer and could be the funniest person to be around at times. He was a big fan of SLAYER, and I am sure he (at his peak) could have played a flawless gig with SLAYER in 5 minutes notice had Lombardo suddenly fallen ill. One time he saw SLAYER in Oslo, he observed 2 mistakes on the drums during the show. Nobody else did. But true enough, he got a bootleg recording of the show and there were 2 mistakes! Also he had a lot of fun when we were in Mexico, complaining that the cactus did not look like in the cartoons, and complaining about the lack of tumbleweeds, haha. And if we were sceptical of the food wherever we were, he would always mock us and just eat heartily whatever he thought looked good. Food was one of his healthier vices, hehe. And he never got sick from food poisoning. RIP my friend."
Metal Archives lists J. Olsen as current member on guitars, so is he running under the stage name "Ruiner" today or did you have a different guitarist before "Ruiner", the latter playing on your recent album "Lightning Bolts"? Where does he come from, musically?
Dolgar: "No, J.Olsen replaced E.N.Death back in 2007, but only did a few shows with us. Ruiner was a new guy. His name is Frank, he used to play in THEATRE OF TRAGEDY. He left shortly after “Lightning Bolts” was completed, and he was replaced by E.N. Death who returned for a short stint (he quit again late 2018)."
On "Lighting Bolts" the drums are played by "Bomber". Is he a full member of THE DEVIANT and how did you get in contact with him? What are his musical backgrounds?
Dolgar: "Yes, he is a full member. He actually played drums on the 122 STAB WOUNDS album also. Then as mentioned he played in a band called MORKEMENN (more Hardrock than Metal), they released one album (or two?). And he writes music for THE DEVIANT as well."
I guess, Dan E. "Violator" Stokes, is the main man behind THE DEVIANT, responsible for the biggest part of the song writing. Do you like to introduce him a bit further?
Dolgar: "He can introduce himself, hehe…"
Violator: "Nothing much to say… Main songwriter, played in previous bands as you stated and started up the THE DEVIANT again after a 10 year hiatus."
What else can you say about you four members building the recent entity of THE DEVIANT?
Dolgar: "Hmmm, tough question. We have all known each other since our teens I think. The other guys are from the same part of town, I lived a bit further away and did not go to the same school during my teens. But way back then there were very few into extreme music, so it was natural that those few who did drifted together I guess. Apart from the interest in music we don’t really hang out, but that has a lot to do with being busy (work, family and all that goes with not being 22 years old any longer). And obviously none of us makes a living from music. I do not think any of us are the typical social person either, we all like keeping to ourselves for the most part. Personally I spend a lot more time on my own (listening to music or reading) than I do hanging out with friends."
The new album "Lighting Bolts" was recorded in Valhalla Studio. What can you tell us about the studio? How went the recording process and how were your experiences recording there?
Dolgar: "It was great! A bit far to drive back and forth every day, but well worth it. It was a small studio, owned and run by a Metalhead (Ragnar “Ragge”). It was located in an old, run down house (a former private residence that looked totally abandoned) he rented dirt-cheap. It looked like it was going to fall down if we slammed the doors too hard, and there was no running water anymore. Imagine recording in a farmhouse that could have been a set for “The Walking Dead”. The second floor was closed off, because it was unsafe! Great atmosphere. No interruptions. No rush. Eventually he had to wrap it all up and move the studio, because the house literally was going to fall down. The process there was very smooth. Like already mentioned, we came well prepared and knew exactly what we wanted. We had already played these songs live a few times, and demoed most of them, so there were no bumps in the road."
Today you are not signed by a label, "Lighting Bolts" was released on your own label (?) in cooperation with Worship Him Records from Norway. Why did you choose this step, releasing "Lighting Bolts" on your own and not being signed to an established label? What do you consider as the main advantages or disadvantages doing so?
Dolgar: "True, we financed and released this one ourselves. We have been inactive for quite a few years now, so we thought of this more as restarting than continuing, if that makes sense. Also, having been away from the business for so many years, we felt we had lost a bit “touch” with what is what and who is who in regards to labels etc. So we figured we could combine the ideas of making a demo (like new bands do) with the idea of making a second album. Keeping it self-financed made us able to do things as we saw fit ourselves. No pressure. Also we wanted to make sure that whatever happens, we keep the rights to the recordings ourselves, we own it. There are both positive and negative sides to this of course. Record deals are not what they used to be. Labels have a harder time recouping their expenses, which of course often means the band has to pay more themselves anyway (some way or the other). And then the label owns the rights to the recordings. So why not pay it all ourselves and own it all. The downside of course is more work, and the loss of proper established distribution. I think what we are going to do, is to let other labels license our album(s), if there is any interest from anyone. Less risk for both parties (or so we hope). We have no illusions of making money this way, we just want the music released on our own terms."
What are the connections between THE DEVIANT with Tommy and Worship Him Records and which function did Worship Him Records have for the release of "Lightning Bolts"?
Dolgar: "Tommy is also form our part of Norway, so we know him from the local scene. His function is mostly just distribution. Worship Him is also underground of course, so its not like we expect him to ship and sell thousands of units. But from what I know, Worship Him is a small respected label, so getting him and his network on board made sense. I think what we mostly gain from the units he sells, is promotion."
A prominent attribute of THE DEVIANT is the focus on the song itself instead of just playing a sound (meaning the kind of bands that play what I for myself consider as "songless Death Metal"). As a result every song has got a big recognition value right from the start and easily sticks to the ears without loosing its fascination after years of listening to them (at least this is what I can say for "Ravenous Deathworship" and I bet it will apply to "Lighting Bolts", too). How do you go up to achieve that? How do the songs evolve, how is the process of song writing and where do you draw your inspiration from?
Violator: "I mainly write the songs on guitar, I don’t use any recording stuff, just make the songs on the guitar. When the song is done, I show the other guys and do as Dolgar mentions below." Dolgar: "Awesome, I think I know exactly what you mean by “songless Death Metal”. To me, sadly, the new MORBID ANGEL ("Kingdoms…") falls into that category, as well as many others. Violator or Bomber usually present a more or less finished song at rehearsals, and then we work on them as a band, doing whatever we feel needs doing. Harmonies, restructuring, solos etc. Usually the vocals are the last thing we work on, after the song structure is finished. Depending on the lyrics, we sometimes change the number of times a riff is repeated, or rewrite the lyrics."
The release of "Lighting Bolts" dates over half a year back already, the recording session even back to April 2017. How do you view "Lighting Bolts" today with some distance? I hope you are still proud of what you have achieved ; -)
Dolgar: "I am very pleased still. Don’t think I would have done anything differently if we had gone back to revise it today."
Comparing "Ravenous Deathworship" with "Lighting Bolts", the focus and atmosphere on your debut was more on direct, straight aggressive in your face songs while the songwriting on "Lighting Bolts" is more diverse tempo wise, overall giving more room to mid tempo passages. As a result, the wickedness of the new compositions with their creeping riffs reaches the listener kind of through the back-door, so to say. Was it a natural development in terms of songwriting, a different approach towards the new songs or how did you evolve the songs into "Lighting Bolts"?
Violator: "New songs just came naturaly I guess,we are a bit older a bit wiser. I think the songwriting is a bit better in my opinion. A real cliche answer, haha."
Dolgar, you definitely possess a very unique voice and your sick and gnarling vocals can easily be recognized among the entire hordes in the Death Metal scene. Which is not only a big plus for THE DEVIANT but also kind of sound defining. Watching THE DEVIANT perform during your release show of "Lighting Bolts" in February 2018 on YouTube you seem to perform this style of singing without any trace of efforts. You seem to be just as relaxed as being on an easy shopping walk or drinking coffee. Respect! So the band is without a doubt privileged to have you in their row. As your vocals are in no way typical Death Metal growls, what is the "secret" behind your style of singing, how do you perform or train your voice? Who are your favorite singers and who was influental for your style?
Dolgar: "Thank you. I think my “secret” is exactly what you just described, to do it in a more relaxed style. Makes it more sinister compared to “screaming”. Also makes it more intelligible in my opinion. There is no training really, but of course like everyone else I can get rusty if too much time passes by without performing in any way. I found my style from experimenting with it, trial and error. Early 90s, before any recordings with any band, me and an old friend (the guy from INCARNATOR) went down to the seashore and basically just screamed and growled out loud until we felt we had reached something we felt both sounded right, and we were comfortable with. Cheering each other on and reviewing, giving our opinions. We found a place where we were undisturbed of course, did not want anyone to call the police thinking we were beating each other to death, haha… As for favorite singers, I have always held Quorthon in high regard. Not always perfect, but always sounding perfectly honest and full of expression. Also love the voice of Franta Storm (MASTER’S HAMMER), unique and sick vocals! As far as more regular singer go, I am a big fan of Blackie Lawless (W.A.S.P.). He has a great voice, and I will always respect him for his art no matter what I may think of him as a person (never met him, don’t want to, but he comes across as someone I probably would not like to hang around with…)."
I am not that talented in interpreting lyrics. The lyrics of THE DEVIANT certainly revolve around different aspects and methods of death, mostly incorporating themes of war or having a certain misanthropic or post-apocalyptic touch. Do you view them as "just" some bloody and violent Death Metal lyrics or do you associate a deeper meaning with the lyrical contents?
Dolgar: "I always try to put more into the lyrics that I write, than “just” gory or violent entertainment. If I succeed or not… I guess others have to judge that. I do think the lyrics we use are of both the just entertainment type, and the deeper meaning type. I am ok with that. When performing lyrics I have not written myself, I generally tend to approach them with an open mind, as I myself may not have the correct answer to what the writer had in mind. They might mean something different to me, than they do to the person who wrote them. Good art may often be open to interpretation, and the answer might be dependent on the viewer / listener. What does the artwork tell you, or mean to you? There may not be any right or wrong answer when interpreting art. The viewer / listener might be a part of the answer him / herself. All that being said, obviously there are good and bad lyrics. In our band and others. But like I said, at least I try. Not sure if everybody who writes lyrics (in any genre, not just Metal), try for more than just entertainment. For some people, music is entertainment, and nothing more."
THE DEVIANT posted a new song in a live version on their facebook site called ‘Son Of Dawn’. So I guess we do not have to wait another 13 years for another album? How does this song differ from the material on "Lighting Bolts" in your opinion?
Violator: "Hehe no, it will not take another 13 years! We are rehearsing new songs right now, for our 3rd album. We plan to start recording in March this year. The song ‘Son Of Dawn’ is written by the drummer "Bomber" So it’s a bit diffent, but in a good way I think. I love that song and his writing style is just perfect for THE DEVIANT."
Dolgar: "True, we have booked the studio for this spring, so if all goes well the wait will not be too long. ‘Son Of Dawn’ was already written (as were one or two more) when we recorded “Lightning Bolts”. The material for the next album probably sounds closer to "Lighting Bolts" than "Lighting Bolts" did to “Ravenous”. But maybe I would say the next album will be a bit more diverse. Bomber has written more of the material for the next album than he did for "Lighting Bolts" also. We might also use some acoustic guitars and a touch of piano this time around. But until the recordings are done, things might change. It’s not intended to be an experimental album or anything like that. Just a bit more diverse."
What are your personal "hot irons" in recent Death Metal when it comes to Norway / Scandinavia? What do we have to check out?
Violator: "I have no idea… heheh… Dolgar??"
Dolgar: "I tend to be rather conservative and set in my old ways. I do not check out new bands to the extent that I ought to. I mainly listen to the same old bands I used to back in the 90s. It’s a shame really, and I am probably missing out on a great deal. So I should rather ask you this question, than the other way around, haha!"
What do you think of nowadays Death Metal scene? What are your personal highlights in the recent Death Metal movement during the last 10 years?
Violator: "It’s good, like bands like MORBID INSULTER, BÖLZER, NECROS CHRISTOS, SONNE ADAM etc."
Dolgar: "Referring to the previous question, not so sure I have seen or heard enough of what has happened the last 10 years to give an educated answer. But I am looking forward to checking out BLASPHEMER and David Vincent´s new band VLTIMAS. The preview sounds promising."
Somewhere I read that it kind of belongs to the Norwegian heritage and dream while growing up to participate in the Styrkeprøven, doing 543km from Trondheim to Oslo by cycle in one day. Is it your dream also, or more of a nightmare? Did you do that or what is your view on that event?
Violator: "Hehe, can’t remember hearing of it. Total nightmare anyhow."
Dolgar: "Hmm, not sure if that dream applies to anyone I know. I think if I could do that stretch of road in a Lamborghini, on the open road, that sounds more like my dream. Not on a bicycle. I try to stay somewhat fit, but long walks or swimming / diving are more my thing. I use a bicycle because it is often practical (I hate crowded traffic, and I hate looking for parking space), but not because of the exercise. Though that is perhaps a bonus. I do not work out in a gym or anything like that, and I do not care much for competitions, so that might explain why any kind of styrkeprøve (showdown – Thomas) does not appeal to me."
Can we expect to see you play live somewhere in Europe or elsewhere in the world?
Violator: "We have no plans yet."
Dolgar: "I do not know. At this point, we are not working on booking anything. We will most surely play live somewhere, sometime. But where and when? It is not a priority right now."
I guess we covered nearly everything right now. Thank you for taking part in the interview! Anything else you’d like to add?
Dolgar: "For now, distribution of “Lightning Bolts” is not very good, but people might get it from Worship Him, or directly from us. People can check out the videos on YouTube if they want to hear some songs. Thank you! Keep it burning!"
Photos (color): Vatland Media Produksjon
Interview: Thomas Georg