» Info

VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE is a non-commercial, non-profit music online-zine for old school Death, Black and Thrash Metal.

Frank Stöver (Bremen, Germany)

Helping hands:
Alfonso Perez (Costa Rica), Anders Peter Jørgensen (Denmark), Andrew Krause (USA), Giulio Minto (Italy), Henning Pieper (Germany), Jaime Pérez (USA), Jarne Brauns (Germany), JC Morbid (Perú), Julián Nuñez (Mexico), Mirco Szymyslik (Germany), Olaf Brinkmann (Germany), Oscar “evilcore666” Vazquez (Spain), Oswaldo Gonzalez (Colombia), Randolph Whateley (Bangladesh), Rick Peart (Italy), Steven Willems (Belgium), Thomas Meyer (Germany), Vamsi Kanagovi (Canada), Wedekind Gisbertson (Germany), Will Lee (USA), Yoga Ghotama (Indonesia)

Helping hands in the past:
Adam Delarede, Alan Nemthanga, Amin, Andreas Aubert, Andreas Lacher (RIP), Andi Bauer, Angelica Jannone, Antonio Barrote, Bård Faust, Bart Gabriel, Billy Nocera, Borja Menéndez, Branko Matijaševic, Carlo Masoni, Carsten Lomme, Charles Keller, Chris Forbes, Christian Wachter, Christoph Göbel, Daniel Meléndez, Darragh O’ Leary, Dave Rotten, David Lucido, David Déniz, David Sephiroth, David Simonton, Deni Petrounova, Diego Rodrigues, Dimitri Ganatsios, Edouard Vergriete, F. Cthulhu E., Gabriel “The Exhumator” Gatica, Gabriel S., Gamil Bakdach Trujillo, Geert Van Mook, Giorgio Trombino, Götz Vogelsang, Gunter Cras, Hacker, Hellpike, Huaira Herrera, Hurricane, Iñaki (Pinhead), Jan Roger Pettersen, Jason Campbell, Jeroni Sancho, Jesse Light, Jim Powell, John Fisher, John Grumptmann, José Alejandro Zúñiga Gutiérrez, Jurij Pajk, Kas, Kat “Shevil” Gillham, Kenny Strömsholm, King Fowley, Kuba Peziol, Kunal Choksi, László Dávid, Laurent Ramadier, Leif Jensen, Lem Lycurgus, Luis M. L. Sallard, Luxi Lahtinen,  Maarten de Jong, Manolis A., Mario Cubero, Marc Lehmann, Marco Barbieri, Marco Stebich, Markus Schwitalla, Martin Brandt, Matthias Auch, Mauricio “Rusty” Sanchez, Metalion, Michael Kersten, Michael Kujawska, Michael Oelschlegel, Michael Tak, Miguel Negrón, Mindaugas “Plix” Lapinskas, Nathaniel Colas, Nat Shapiro, Nhashi, Nicola Costantini, Norman McCann, Phil Jonas, Piva, Rafael Bracero, Ralf Hauber, Ramon Claassen, Ryan Fanucchi, Ricardo Campos, Ricardo Lucas, Richard Osmond, Rick Cortez, Rodrigo Jiménez, Ronald Jimenez, Roy Kristensen, Sam Osborn, Sascha Beselt, Saul, Schenk, Scott van Dort, Sebastián Salce, Sergei Pismeny, Sigtyr, Sined-Erriep Ohr, Sonderkrig, Spitzl, Stan Stamatopoulos, Stefan Franke, Stefan Hagmayer, Stefanie Niehaus, Steffen Ilm, Sven Freller, Thomas Ehrmann, Thomas Georg, Thomas Legros, Thomas Reitmayer (RIP), Thomas Westphal, Tim Klöcker, Timothy Dovgy, Tina Ehmke, Tony, Torsten Gründig, Travis Reynolds, Ulrich Kreienbrink, Vladimir Petrov, Volver, Wannes Gubbels, Wendell Roth, Wes Rhodes

Linda Nygren of Requiem Artwork, Sweden

VOICES logo created by:
Marco G. of Darken Art Productions, Switzerland

Thanks to:
Andi Bauer for his massive help in re-creating the new version of the website.

A massive thanks to all our crowdfunding donors:
Huaira Herrera, László Fodor, Philipp Jonas, Martin Gebel, Carlos Solano, Mattias Frisk, Dennis Wendig, Tim Klöcker, Wannes Gubbels, Rob Sturkenboom, Mark Terwort, Pedro Palma Fratti, Christian Krieger, Ricardo Mouwen, Manolis A., Giorgio Tskhadadzé, Andreas Menz, Frederic Schaus, Hussin Muhammad Shahid Bin, Marc Henselek, Marco Müller, Frank Seifert, Jesus Claros, Mike Wittig, FDA Records, Mindaugas Lapinskas, Mirco Szymyslik, Krzysztof Piękoś, Martin Wickler, Jan Kruitwagen, Michael Kujawska, Raul Sampedro Valdivieso, Saul Essame, Insision, David Suárez López, Matthias Auch, Thomas Ehrmann, Steven Willems, Philipp Schulz, Daniel Malcovsky, Thomas Georg, Joseph Curwen, Martin Quast, Thekla & Sonny, Nicklas Rudolfsson, Pierre-Denis Roh, Misanthropic Art, Andrew Sooparlie, Pino Hecker, Philipp Hetmanczyk, Markus Morrison, Arthur Mendiola, Remission Records, Sabine Jochem, Sven Mörgenthaler, Jacinta Arcadia Vonprussia, Christian Pschierer, Anton Rozbora and all those who preferred not to be mentioned with their names.

Ever since we started the VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE online version back in 2000, we always refused offers from labels that wanted to book ad space / banners of any kind. We wanted the site to remain completely ad free and we will definitely continue to do so in the future as well.

But due to the fact that technology marches on we had to go for a completely new software in order to be able to continue on. Otherwise VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE would definitely have been history in early 2020.

Our goal was to come up with a new version that still has all the old features and a layout as close to the old version as possible. And if you check out the result, I think we pretty much succeeded in all that, thanks to the incredible help of Andi Bauer, who made it all happen and all the dedicated longtime readers which donated to the whole project!

If you would like to get in touch with us, click here