The Dawn
(Golden Lake Productions)
In their best moments ADVENT from Italy sound a bit like a happy, sunny version of PRIMORDIAL. But for my taste there is too much of a Gothic influence on here. Happy Melodic Gothic Black Metal, or what? Actually, there ARE parts that make me wanna listen until they switch over to something I’d call sort of simple Rock. A little like German CREMATORY (okay, not THAT bad, though). The "brutal" moments really don’t impress me, sort of Southern European Black Metal a little in the ROTTING CHRIST vein, only less massive. Nice but mostly harmless. Considering the lyrics, ADVENT are big Lovecraft fans but for some reason I connect H. P. Lovecraft with bands such as MORBID ANGEL or SHUB NIGGURATH and the likes. Probably a matter of conditioning. In a way "The Dawn" sounds rather unique and maybe, if the band focusses a little more on their sinister side, I might want to listen to their next effort as well. Oh, and spicing up their aggressive side a little might help as well. Not bad after all and if you’re into this particular style you might want to check them out or visit their homepage first: (strange approach of playing with words – doesn’t "advent" mean "arrival"?).
Ramon Claassen