Demo CD 2004
Hailing from Hellas comes this one man band, who have sent us his first demo, as you can notice. He performs Black Metal in a very raw, primitive, necro and minimalistic way, but to be honest a bit disappointing. The poor sound quality plays against the final result. Despite being a huge fan of the necro sound, these three tracks don’t convince me so much, due to the sound problems. The drums (machine) and bass guitar remain unlistenable, being just some cool riffs and the truly going-under-the-skin screams of this guy. It’s cool to be close to underground Black Metal but that doesn’t mean you must forget to give your instruments a descent sound, at least to get them at a listenable level. Obviously if the production problems are solved (the sound quality must be improved) Almighty Sathanas could be considered an honourable unholy force of evil coming from Greece. I know there are die hard fans of the extreme necro sounds out there, so contact him or just send 6 bucks for this demo to: P.O. Box 20584, 55104, Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece.,
Rodrigo Jimenez