Equinox Of Winter Dysthymia
(Self Mutilation Services)

Metal can be so diverse… if you have any doubt then you must experience things. Yes, most of the things have already been created, yet even in that limited spectrum, Metal can be diverse. ASTAROT from Mexico is an ethereal Black / Ambient Metal band formed over a decade ago and has released many works until this day. This is actually their 8th full length. The base of the band more than Black Metal is Ambient music, which means keyboards, sounds and ethereal atmospheres, with some touches of Metal music. Their Black Metal parts are in the early BURZUM or EMPEROR camp, yet the music is based on atmosphere, a very dark and ominous one, which more than once reminded me to an horror or suspense movie soundtrack, but also there is a lot of sounds that reminds me of cosmos… the outer space… the universal mysticism. They mix in a very adequate way those keyboards with guitars and drums, and there is always that somber melody in the background. The vocals are used here like distant screams of anguish, which fits well to the overall concept. I must be honest in saying that the style is not exactly my kind of thing, but then again, the fact that the band has kept on releasing albums, speaks that they have a loyal following, and believe me also when I say that in certain stages of mind, this kind of music unites you with the cosmos within. One song, twenty minutes and a majestic astral trip awaits those to dare to experience it.,

Julián “Equinox” Núñez

Julián "Equinox" Núñez

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