Anamnesis Morbi
(Wroth Emitter Productions)
CRROMBID TRAXORM is a progressive Thrash / Death band from Russia that has an unmistakable approach to Metal. Right from the intro the band is in an overdrive mode to just break things up. Track # 2, ‘Rising Reanimation’, is perhaps the best representation of the band, the solo towards the end could be right out of any earlier MEGADETH albums and you wouldn’t ask another question. “Anamnesis Morbi” took me completely by surprise. Granted, the vocals are slightly dense or sound just off in places for the band’s version of Thrash / Death, but the music is absolutely well done. There’s almost a Punk vibe that shows up in places, but this is the perfect late 80s early 90s spirit of writing Metal, but the band throws in a lot of variations. There are violins, cellos and female vocalists, who just come and do their thing. Truth be told this is like running through an old Atari video game with the various background sounds. My first thought was that any fan of PHLEBOTOMIZED would absolutely dig this record, however I’m going to add in the MEGADETH flavour to the mix, due to the guitar solos. Otherwise this is an eccentric record that will just grow on you and you owe it that time. CRROOMBID TRAXORM have revisited their demo days and completely re-recorded them using multiple guest musicians and this release is frankly a crazy ball and I like it. The album on the whole has an impressive 90s rhythm section that’s just a treat and you wouldn’t hear such a thing these days if I may say so. This is fun and I suppose everyone should give this a try. Either you’ll dismiss it from the get go or you’ll get in on the inside joke! For more information please visit:,
Vamsi Kanagovi
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