(Talheim Records)
“Yūrei” is the first album by ECLIPSUS, a solo Atmospheric / Depressive Black Metal project based in the USA. This album follows the steps of entropy through an individual’s path to suicide in the Japanese Forest of Aokigahara. If we can take a diversion for a moment, Aokigahara is a forest in Japan, it is north of Mount Fuji. It is known as the suicide forest and “Yūrei” are the spirits or ghosts of the dead. The album tries to encapsulate the state of mind of those who are walking into Aokigahara. I have to say it does succeed in its mission. ECLIPSUS aren’t walking you through mystic mountains and dark mists, the goal is clear and the music perfectly compliments the task. The atmosphere is dense, there’s no respite to the listener anywhere. This is perhaps the best soundtrack to the mental agony soaked in anguish and pain. The absolute hopelessness is reflected in the cold layers of the guitars, silence is but a momentary respite on this album. It makes for a good companion but ECLIPSUS surely leaves spaces to step up their delivery. “Yūrei” is definitely a good start, the songwriting is fine, the execution could use more care. An emotional record needs further focus on the overall feel of the album and I’m positive ECLIPSUS’s next release would surely be an interesting experience, hopefully it should build upon this full length and explore further depths. For more information please visit www.facebook.com/eclipsed.us or www.facebook.com/talheimrecordsgermany
Vamsi Kanagovi
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