The Temple Of Bizarre Cult
(Crypts Of Eternity Productions)
It’s often strange to recognize why some bands don’t get a deal while others are releasing crappy records one after another. EMBALMED SOULS is one of those bands who easily would deserve a record deal and in a way I have the impression that they already got many offers but simply were not interested. "Temple Of Bizarre Cult" is their fifth demo tape already released back in 2005 and now re-released in cooperation with Peruanian Crypts Of Eternity – yes, the old school Death Metal fanzine which currently is preparing issue 3. Listening to EMBALMED SOULS I had their country mates HEADHUNTER D.C. in mind! These guys sound a little bit comparable to them but with a more underground and less perfectionism attitude. Both these features may occur because of the soundquality which is pretty good for a demo release, compared to the mighty sound of HEADHUNTER D.C.’s last offering just a little bit too less. I’m far from complaining here as these EMBALMED guys do a fantastic job and Brazilian Death Metal is, besides being probably not the most productive form in case of the number of releases (quality before quantity), very strong the last couple of years. It’s the darkest form of Death Metal which is represented here and my advice to all of you is to put another flag on the Brazilian map as EMBALMED SOULS is one strong force to watch out for. Hope they will come with a new release soon. To come back to this re-release, it features the same songs as the original version and includes a printed cover. Nevertheless I can’t finish with one huge complain: this re-release is already sold out from Crypts Of Eternity, perhaps the band has some copies left – try it there! Adresses: Crypts Of Eternity, P.O. Box 25, Lima 41, Peru (lucasinhell@msn.com) or EMBALMED SOULS, Caixa Postal 8062 Sudoeste, Brasilia-DF Cep: 70673-970, Brazil (souls666@terra.com.br).
Thomas Ehrmann
• EMBALMED SOULS - Journey Through Bizarre / Become... (Thomas Ehrmann)