Bis Ans Ende Aller Tage
I’m completely lacking in information about these guys and their CD "Bis Ans Ende Aller Tage". So, all I can tell you is the following: EXIT is a five piece hailing from Switzerland and their 8 track release a self financed recording. And considering that fact in particular, the result turned out really impressing. "Bis Ans Ende Aller Tage" comes up with a good production / sound quality, professional looking packaging / design and easily recognizable musical abilities that are way above the average. The members of EXIT are undoubtedly skilled musicians, who deliver a tight songwriting, dominated by a great melodic guitar work and driving rhythm section. They consider themselves a Death Metal act, but to me they are definitely more rooted in the (Death-) Thrash genre with the growling vocals being the only real Death Metal aspect (and also EXIT’s main weak point as they are unfortunately lacking real brutality or variety). I’m also not really the biggest fan of German lyrics, but in this case you luckily won’t necessarily recognize that aspect if you’re not consequently reading their lyrics along while listening to the CD. Anyway, if this should still be their debut offering, it already turned out quite interesting. All further questions you should address to: EXIT, c/o Beni Sax, Heugärtenweg 8, CH – 6232 Geuensee, Switzerland, www.exit666.com, e-mail: beni@exit666.com
Frank Stöver