Death To My Enemies
(High Roller Records)

To read the letters "raw Death Metal" on the inlet of this LP made me smile! To read that HELLKOMMANDER is a Brazilian band let me hope! To read the other bands HELLKOMMANDER’s drummer Adrameleck is involved in brought me confirmation! Confirmation that HELLKOMMANDER is a great band worth to support. All this was what I thought the first minutes after I got this LP and before a first listen. Almost a few moments listening to the opener ‘Gift Of Death’ assured me that the first impression is mostly the correct one. HELLKOMMANDER convince with simple Metal songs, a mixture between HELLHAMMER (more) and old CELTIC FROST (less) and perhaps some MOTÖRHEAD here and there. Probably not what you commonly expect as "raw Death Metal", but that’s not the point here as the formula works just perfect on this recording. With reading those influences you know what to expect and fuck it’s so damned well-played, offers a lot of atmosphere played by musicians with the right attitudes and besides that offers such a good sound which is usually not the case for this "primitive" type of music. I’m totally impressed by this recording, which is again, and this seems to be some kind of central theme with the High-Roller-Records-releases, an older recording from 2006. I’m not sure if this recording was released on CD before / as well on another label, but what counts here is this vinyl release which is in my eyes a must-have for every dedicated worshipper of true, unpolished Metal music. Check out www.hho-records.de immediately and place your order as this release is as usual limited to 500 pieces. Band contact through www.myspace.com/hellkommander

Thomas Ehrmann

Thomas Ehrmann

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