Hobbs' Satan's Crusade
(High Roller Records)
Many years ago, Peter Hobbs choose to wield his axe and scream from the top of his lungs, down below, in a hidden dark realm known as Australia and hence HOBBS’ ANGEL OF DEATH was born. Many were quick to call the music the good Mr. Hobbs and friends spew forth on the first demo "Virgin Metal Invasion From Down Under" as Thrash Metal, though as the title of the demo might suggest, the band hailed their music as Virgin Metal, as they were the only ones delivering music like that – though I might still say they’d been a tad inspired by the thrashing madness going on in America back then. This is a compilation of the band’s two demos. The already mentioned demo and "Angel Of Death" both from 1987, displaying a young and fierce band wanting to kick some serious arse, an arsekicking that was heard way across the pond, as HOBBS’ ANGEL OF DEATH ended up signing with Steamhammer, the label that released their infamous selftitled debut full length in 1988. A really great album as well, which isn’t strange as the blueprint to the album was drawn with these two demos. The band is delivering arsekicking Thrash Metal not far of DARK ANGEL fame, though with an insane Australian twist and turn, some killer riffing and killer vocals – and the intensity is enormous and headbang forcing. This is two legendary demos that any Thrash Metal fan shouldn’t be able to live without. Virgin Metal up your arse and ‘bang that head that doesn’t ‘bang! Perish in flames right here: www.facebook.com/hobbsangelofdeathofficial, www.hrrecords.de
Anders Peter Jørgensen
• HOBBS ANGEL OF DEATH - Hobbs Angel Of Death (David Simonton)
• HOBBS ANGEL OF DEATH - Hobbs' Satans Crusade (Frank Stöver)
• HOBBS ANGEL OF DEATH - Interview (Metalion / Frank Stöver)