Break The Chains
Professed as "HUMANE END" by the band mates / creators of their bio… I don’t believe the definition of "HUMANE END" or HUMAN END means exactly what any of these students from Schmalkalden / Thüringen think it does. Disregarding the supposed correlation to the Doom’s Day scenario "end of humanity" or to the rambling psychologies of Menschheit. The meaning of the word "outsider", in specific or general context, within the German language simply is a "foreigner" known as an "Ausländer". Am I wrong? How then does this equate to the band name of HUMAN END? I don’t get it. Anywayz – confusing as the band’s moniker meaning may be to the readers of this review. So too is the general writing and music direction of this act, who call what they play here on this album as "Independent Core". "Independent Core" if you will, is not an earthquake beneath your feet nor a revolution in sound that this title may in fact infer / allude too. No, "Independent Core" is more like second (bordering on third) rate melodic Death Metal. Does anyone remember the melodious Death Metal that was coming from Lithuania and Latvia in the mid 90s? CONSCIOUS ROT, REGREDIOR, DIES IRAE, RUINATION or SANCTIMONY? If you do than you might recall that these bands most times were a bit over hyped and / or outshined by their own instruments! The exact same can be said here for HUMAN END. Thirteen songs appear on this debut CD. Written and sung in English yet each one is a tedious affair of wasted time. If any constructive criticism could be given to this band, I would say to keep practicing, and really concentrate on what you’re writing instead of just releasing a flood of songs upon an overly saturated market. That being said. At press time, HUMAN END also have additional 4 songs written and recorded to be released in the Winter of this year as an EP entitled "Non-Conformity". Contact: or or visit their site and of course
Wes Rhodes