(Godz Ov War Productions)

20 years ago Polish outfit THY WORSHIPPER recorded an album, but due to different reasons it remained unreleased. Former and actual members now decided to release this album under the monicker of POPIÓL and as much I have understanding for musicians and their commitment to their own work I am not sure if they did a favor to themselves and the audience. "Zabobony" presents a colorful bouquet of different ideas, but it lacks of a clear line. We have a strong Folk Metal influence and some times, too often for my ears, a distorted electric guitar is completely missing. Generally I am not allergic when it comes to acoustic parts, but in many moments a classic Metal touch is missing. The song ‘Czern’ takes it to a peak, the acoustic guitar delivers eight minutes of boring banter with interspersed spoken words, that is campfire romanticism at its best but in no way Metal. There is a heavier side, at least three songs come up with fine Black Metal riffs, both freezing cold and a nice epic touch. And in this context the acoustic guitars fit pretty well, because they are harmoniously embedded in the songs. But for a playing time of nearly one hour the Folk parts are taking up too much space. Folk Metal enthusiasts may give the album a try and visit www.facebook.com/popiolofficial or www.godzovwar.com for more information.

Mirco Szymyslik

Mirco Szymyslik

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