In Domine Sathanas
(Metal Mind Productions)
Just like the excellent ENSLAVED DVD, this one is built around a ROTTING CHRIST (headliner) gig from October 2002 in Krakow, Poland. Excellent photography and sound (Dolby Digital 5.1) in front of quite a big crowd (far bigger than the one in Osnabrück, Germany, I attended). Then there is an opening show from 1996 filmed at the same place with the same quality in front of an even bigger audience and considerably more action on and in front of the stage. Finally, there is a part of a bootleg show shot in Greece in 2003 where one can’t see much more than red and blue shadows. The sound is truly bootleg but the reactions of the legendary Greek fans are quite impressive. Then you have features like a biography, discography, photo gallery, desktop images, an art gallery, an interview from Poland and a feature about the band’s history shot in front of ancient Athens, both with band leader Sakis. Those two features drive me crazy, though, as his English can’t give you more than a limited quantity of information, let alone delivering any entertainment. Still, considering the good shows and the length of this DVD, I’d say it’s essential for fans.
Ramon Claassen