World Suicide Machine
(Dark Essence Records / Karisma Records)
The first thing to hit the listener here is the interesting use of harmonics that burst like sun spots in the background. This band has a firm grasp on how Black Metal can work. Sounding a small bit like EMPEROR on “Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk”, especially when they play fast, SKALDIC CURSE do a fine job of weaving a harsh, but elegant stream of hate filled Metal. The album is rich in atmosphere, but the harmonics might wear the patience after a while. Still, all in all, this is an excellent sophomore effort. For a band that hasn’t been active for very long, they’ve a more than adequate understanding of who they are as musicians. With time the strong, almost imitation EMPEROR riffs will morph into something entirely their own. You’ve heard this album before (by EMPEROR), but it’s nice to hear another group perform the craft so well. www.myspace.com/skaldiccurse, www.karismarecords.no
Nathan Shapiro