Decline To Disorder
(Talheim Records)
This debut album from the Australian one man band THE HARVEST MOON, which is a sideproject from Jamie Freeman, who usually roams on vocals and drums in VARGROND, is a sneaky little treat. Modern Black Metal, very atmospheric and gripping, not always that dark, but always melancholic and longing. The shift between the darker and more powerful parts and the more atmospheric and lighter parts work really well, and powers the momentum of the release. The vocal effort is stellar, powerful with sheer emotion and a real melancholic touch. Parts atmospheric folky Black Metal before the the world collapsed, parts doomy melancholy, great progressive melodies, great vocal patterns and a solid rhythmic back bone, it is hard not to be gripped by this release. I don’t really know where I stand in this crossfield between atmospheric Black Metal and more modern spin offs of it, I once found it quite exciting when it started out a good deal years back, though quickly grew tired, as much sounded the same, and I haven’t really been listening to much new stuff the last ten years, though THE HARVEST MOON does a good job and has made an interesting and gripping EP. Enter the beams of moonlight:,
Anders Peter Jørgensen
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