Son Of A Blizzard
(Einheit Produktionen)

With the release of two highly acclaimed albums since 1998 TRIMONIUM has became a well established part of the German Black Metal underground. The band played several tours and international festivals over the years and I remember their good performance at the Open Hell Festival (Czech Republic) in 2003. But since then the musical focus of the band had changed and they shifted to a more epic Black / Pagan Metal direction (also with some minor Heavy Metal influences) – normally a musical style mainly occupied by Norwegian bands. So the title of their latest release “Son Of A Blizzard” is more than well chosen because there are musical parallels especially with the last three IMMORTAL releases. The main reason for these similarities is the TRIMONIUM singer Teutonnic which could easily record the new IMMORTAL album without the risk that somebody would realise a big difference. “Son Of A Blizzard” is offering 7 traditional Metal songs without harps, nor keys or any other instruments which is nowadays connected to the term Pagan Metal. Nevertheless is TRIMONIUM able to create a great atmosphere just by using the standard Metal instruments. Would like to advise something about the lyrical background of the release but unfortunately was a blue booklet with grey coloured lyrics a really bad decision but the cover artwork is truly outstanding. Think if you still need more arguments to buy this album listen to ‘My Blood For Yours’ and you will be convinced that the German underground is still full of potential bands and that TRIMONIUM is one of them.,

Matthias Auch

Matthias Auch

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