(Bindrune Recordings)

The majestic and the wondrous; these are the staples of the so called “Epic Black Metal” genre, yet another sub-category. The kind of Black Metal a band plays should hardly determine who listens to them, but sometimes differences are pronounced enough to warrant some recognition of a dividing line, even if it is only imaginary. WODENSTHRONE is a band very much like DRUDKH and NOKTURNAL MORTUM in that the band yearns for a glorious past, and perhaps even naively entertains itself with the fanciful idea that the past may return to us and become our future. Their songs are geared towards the epic, with keyboards producing exotic sounds the guitars are incapable of doing. The vocals are mournful, not hateful as most Black Metal vocals are. Instead of the raw, vective hate of a band like BLACK WITCHERY, this vocalist is more akin to the tortured wails of STERBEND. The mix is not a bad one. WODENSTHRONE’s name has been tossed around for some time now. It’s good to see them making good on that name. www.bindrunerecordings.com

Nathan Shapiro

Nathan Shapiro

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