December 03, 2010
After a string of successful shows commemorating the recent induction of their 1991 classic, "Onward To Golgotha" into Decibel’s Hall Of Fame, members of INCANTATION have made the following statements thanking fans and friends for their continued support: "Hi, yes we would like to thanks everyone for the support. We had a great time! INCANTATION fans are the best and we look forward to seeing you guys next time on tour" – John (McEntee, guitar / vocals). "Hello friends and Metallers. I would like to personally thank all my friends and everybody that came out this past weekend to support INCANTATION. We traveled some serious miles to bring all of you the best live INCANTATION shows to date. It was an honor to play for you the album that helped create the path for what INCANTATION is today. Playing the "Onward To Golgotha" songs were a pleasure and from the crowd response, I’m glad you liked it as well as we did playing it. And for those of you who got to hear our new unreleased material for the up and coming movie soundtrack for After Party Massacre it was again a great feeling to hear you tell us that it’s some of the best INCANTATION you’ve ever heard. Amazing response, thank you!!! I would like to thank Albert and all of the Decibel Magazine Metal crew, Dan from Pantheon Agency, the local promoters in Chicago, NYC and Cleveland, Funerus, Fatalist, Cardiac Arrest, Mortician, Embalmer, Soulless, the best INCANTATION working crew their ever could be, ‘My Neighbors’ Driver John, Evl, Kristoff, and Anderson, most importantly John McEntee, Alex Bouks, Chuck Sherwood, Jill McEntee, Sam Inzerra and everybody else that was involved to make this happen!! As you may have heard we recorded this weekend audio and video, so look for this amazing blasphemous Metal weekend to be available on DVD so it can be remembered forever!!!! Hail Fuckin’ Metal!!!" – Kyle Severn (drums). "Just got home from a great few days and very tiring time. I want to thank all the fans and Albert and Decibel for making this all happen; especially everyone from NY who stuck around to make that show happen. Cheers" – Alex (Bouks, guitar). "Many killer memories and also some real insane moments that’ll forever be carved into our memories from this "Onward To Golgotha" trifecta of Metal assault! The first show took place at the Reggie’s Rock Club after merging with Funerus and Fatalist we were welcomed by the hellish maniacs who attended that night. Cardiac Arrest was a true sight to behold with their unrelenting rage and force. Great to share a stage with those grinding, churning, malevolent purveyors of Metal yet again. The staff and everyone at the Reggie’s Rock Club were brilliant. Re-introducing or reuniting with friends from Cult of Daath, Ezurate, Cyanide and our other friends and comrades who made the trek to come and show their support. It was great to share a stage and or see you all again! Our new mage of the stage, sound guy namely a John "Evl" Sustar was great at providing his talents to make for a killer show. Also his expertise came through with his amazing recording of the three shows which is sure to surface. Through the set of the first release which is the whole intent of these shows we also played some other tracks from the lengthy career of the project which were hopefully taken as we intended. With nothing but torturous Metal energy!! From there we left for the long journey to NY’s own Europa club. Aside from the new found camaraderie of our plethora of ‘Johns.’ Merch guy, number 2 of 4, John ‘Mr.’ Anderson keep our sprits high with his technique of cutting off impatient commuters in ‘The City.’ The 15+ hours on the road there (with little to no sleep) made my mind wonder to a scene in In the Mouth of Madness where the very road beneath the car would disappear to storm clouds and lightning. All of us persevered to a very rushed but successful show with the mighty Mortician sharing a stage with us for total of a little over an hour. Fatalist however who traveled from California wasn’t so fortunate when they were notified they wouldn’t be playing that night due to time constraints of an early end and a ‘double dipping’ situation having both a show and dance club on the same night. Our sympathies go out to them for although the events that transpired were out of our hands, long travels and miscommunication reigned indefinitely. The Metal merchants which included Jim and Craig of the original "Golgotha…" line-up, Richard Christy, and many others who came out to support were a standing tribute to the dedication and ardent nature of Metal. We salute you all, and thank you for making the night memorable. After a frenzy of equipment and merch whirlwinded from the Europa, we found ourselves back in the vans making miles yet again back to Cleveland. With our John 3 of 4, ‘Driver John’ Williams put forth an effort that shamed most, by hauling us and the gear for eleven-hour stints and just pushing himself to the limit. We finally arrive in Cleveland to a great start when Embalmer took the stage followed by Thrash masters Soulless who after their 2nd song were abruptly stopped by a power outage that lasted what seemed like forever. After almost two hours of darkness the mood had turned from boredom to rage when Fatalist hit the stage crushing the audience before their immediate departure back home. Funerus was to follow pulverizing the audience yet again. With the whole of the show and the entire weekend for that matter Kristoff who took time from his busy schedule of shooting After Party Massacre, not to mention his business. He and his camera were to follow documenting the trip, the insanity, and the violent barrage of Metal that took place. Also to mention Kristoff’s footage will be an official "Onward To Golgotha: Weekend With Incantation" DVD set, for next years release. Many hails to his flurry of paparazzi moments and all of the hard work he put into each show. In conclusion, the first album personally speaking was a mind altering experience back in the early 90s when I was a foot shorter and much more a novice to legendary Death Metal acts such as the one I’m now proud to be a part of. With a line-up of such insane musicianship and talent that made the "Onward To Golgotha" album I could only hope that the past three shows paid homage to them and kept the flames of their legacy burning bright. A strange situation in a way to find this said album being herald into a hall of fame when it was only such, to the minds of those whom came into contact with it. Amongst the 15-18 year-olds back then (myself included) who treated this album as a time honored piece, never could imagine such a thing. Hails to everyone who was involved and whom we’ve met while out for the three show run this past weekend. Till our next meeting" – Chuck (Sherwood, bass).