February 07, 2017
Italian Death Metallers POSTHUMAN ABOMINATION have been signed by Comatose Music. The band features members from DEVANGELIC, NATRIUM and XENOMORPHIC CONTAMINATION and their first-ever track ‘Crafting Life’ can be checked out here. POSTHUMAN ABOMINATION are currently working on their debut full length "Transcending Embodiment", which is scheduled for an early 2018 release. More information and updates you will find at www.facebook.com/posthumanabomination
Houston, Texas based Death Metallers DESECRATE THE FAITH have just released a new song from their forthcoming album "Unholy Infestation". You can check out ‘Sacrilege Reborn’ at this location. The album will be out on March 03, 2017 via Comatose Music. For all additional info go to www.facebook.com/desecratethefaithofficial
Swedish Death Metallers DERANGED have parted ways with their vocalist, Anders Johansson. He has been replaced by Johan Bergström (VISCERAL BLEEDING). In an official statement the band wrote: "Anders has left the band. He wishes to focus on his family, so we part as friends and wish him the best of luck! We have already found a perfect replacement. Johan is an old friend of ours, we’ve played with him before in different projects and there is no doubt he will take DERANGED’s brutality to another level, onstage and in the studio! Anyone who has seen him perform in any of his other bands knows that he is a bloody powerhouse with one hell of a voice, and we’re looking forward to lay waste to Europe this coming spring together." More about DERANGED at www.facebook.com/derangedband
Norwegian Black Metallers GJENDØD just posted the titletrack from their upcoming full-length "Nedstigning" over here. The album was recorded between April and August 2016 at Nord Stern Studios and features the following seven tracks: ‘Til Høsten’, ‘Nedstigning’, ‘Håpet Falmer’, ‘Amputasjon Av Vranglæren’, ‘Kvalt Av Fornuft’, ‘Utrydd Den’ and ‘Ny Innsikt’. The CD edition will be released on February 24, 2017 via Hellthrasher Productions. The LP / MC version will follow later via Darker Than Black Records. For all further GJENDØD info check out www.facebook.com/Gjend%C3%B8d-1099509976778327