Everyone into blasting Death Metal brutality in the good old KRISIUN vein should immediately check out another band from Brazil: ABHORRENCE is their name and they have just unleashed a hellish blasphemous Death Metal inferno by the name of "Evoking The Abomination" through Evil Vengeance / Listenable Records. For further details on the album check out our review section. All necessary info on ABHORRENCE you’ll now be getting here, directly from the band’s guitarist / vocalist RANGEL ARROYO… Read on and support true Death Metal!
ABHORRENCE was formed back in 1997, but listening to the skilled musicianship on your first full length album "Evoking The Abomination" I have serious doubts that you’re just playing for about four years now. So, when did you actually start playing music, what was the reason to pick up an instrument and have there been any bands prior to ABHORRENCE for any one of you?
"Ok, the band was formed in ’97, but Fernando and I already had been playing before we started ABHORRENCE. We are playing since ’95, at that time we just started to learn about music and how to develop our abilities… We have never played in other bands before, ABHORRENCE was the only musical doctrine for us, we are just trying to get to the next level each time."
According to your info, ABHORRENCE started out in the beginning of ’97, but it took you almost the entire year until you managed to complete your line-up with Kleber Varnier on bass. Has there been a different bass player in ABHORRENCE before him or did you simply rehearse as a two piece in those early months?
"When we started to get a line up together for ABHORRENCE we were just a two-piece without a bass player… When we had chosen the name for the band in ’97, we called Kleber to join us on bass. Since then we’re playing as a trio… But Kleber is no longer a part of the band. Our new bass player / vocalist is Marcello Marzari who has joined us, so that we can continue on with our march of blasphemous extreme Metal!"
It seems to me that the material for your debut demo "Ascension" was already written when Kleber joined you, wasn’t it?! I mean, afterwards you pretty quickly recorded that demo, so I doubt that he was involved in the songwriting in any way, was he?!
"When Kleber joined ABHORRENCE, we already had written some songs. But after he joined the band we started to rehearse with more intensity and we got to finish the songs for our debut demo tape "Ascension". Kleber had never written any songs or lyrics for ABHORRENCE, he just contributed song titles and ideas."
Tell us a little bit more about that demo, like where you recorded it, which songs appeared on it, how many copies were spread and so on.
"Ascension" was recorded in November ’97 at Da Tribo Studio (the same studio that we’ve recorded all our other releases as well) and it featured three songs: ‘Reborn To Vengeance’ (re-recorded in a new version on our "Evoking…" album!), ‘Communication With The Deads’ and ‘Horde Of The Demons’. I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was printed in like 1.200 copies or something… All copies are gone!"
When did Wild Rags Records exactly approach you to do a re-release of that demo on CD? How did they find out about you? Did you send them a tape as well?
"In ’98 when we started to spread the tape, Kleber sent a copy to Wild Rags… Later they contacted us and showed interest in the ABHORRENCE release. So, we settled on an agreement to release the demo on CD for a better and bigger promotion."
Is that CD still available? How many copies have been pressed of it and does the visual side differ in any way from the original design you had made for your cassette version?
"I think 1.400 copies of that demo CD were pressed and yes, it featured a different artwork… Thanks to Russel Evans who has done artwork and sent it to us. Anyway particularly we prefer the original tape design!"
Have Wild Rags also offered you a deal for a full length album or was your co-operation just for the re-release of the demo?
"No, Wild Rags just did the re-pressing of the "Ascension" demo on CD, as a type of co-operation…"
Have you already been playing many shows in your area at that time? What kind of response did you get from the people, due to the fact that you were still a brand-new and therefore very unknown act?
"We had played in our area, but not great shows or many dates… you know, we are a brand-new act and up till now the biggest crowd that we’ve played for was 600-700 people here. Anyway, ABHORRENCE was always getting a good response from the bangers at the shows! We always try to deliver a holocaust sound, playing with the fury of the demons!"
What made you record another demo in November 1999? Weren’t you able to secure a record deal with the first one? Have you actually tried to get labels already interested in ABHORRENCE after the first demo or was it meant for fans and magazines in the first place?
"In ’99, Tom Hailey from Relapse had contacted us and told us about a Brazilian Compilation that he was planning. He wanted to feature ABHORRENCE on this release, but asked us for new material cause "Ascension" had already been released on tape and CD… So we recorded our second demo tape "Triumph In Blasphemy" to be included on the compilation and to try to get a deal from some label to release a full length album! "Ascension" was very well spreaded and reviewed but it was "Triumph In Blasphemy" that turned the labels to the band! Gene Palubiki from Evil Vengeance Records had contacted us at that time and he said that he was interested in the band because he had plans to start up a label… Gene just knew the "Ascension" demo, so I said to him that he should wait for the "Triumph In Blasphemy" demo that I sent him. It was recorded on a poor tape, but it still impressed him enough that he signed ABHORRENCE for his new company Evil Vengeance Records (U.S.A.) to release the "Evoking The Abomination" album, that was licensed to Listenable Records to Europe."
How does this new demo, "Triumph In Blasphemy", differ from "Ascension"? Did you change anything in terms of your songwriting or the production?
"On "Triumph In Blasphemy" our spirit is the same as on "Ascension", but the demo presents the band with more abilities, feeling and extremity, the songwriting became better as well as the production. The changes were something natural, we were just reaching a new level in our sound… If you listen to "Ascension", you will hear that we play the songs in a raw way. On "Triumph In Blasphemy" we had played with total insanity and savagery!"
Tell us a little bit more about that demo as well…
"The demo features three fast and blasphemous songs: ‘Triumph In Blasphemy’, ‘Hellish Annihilation’ and ‘Abhorrer Existence’… We re-recorded them all for our "Evoking The Abomination" full length album. To the cover artwork, I’ve done a killer design of a Lord of the Depths crushing the weak…"
By now, that material is also available on CD again, as Relapse Records decided to include the three songs on their "Brazilian Assault" compilation. How did that whole project come about and how did ABHORRENCE get involved in it?
"Like I already said before, "Triumph In Blasphemy" was included on the compilation CD "Brazilian Assault" from Relapse Records with 3 other Brazilian bands (OPHIOLATRY, MENTAL HORROR and NEPHASTH). About our involvement in that project, I think that Moyses from KRISIUN mentioned us to Tom Hailey of Relapse… So, Tom contacted us about the compilation and wanted to feature ABHORRENCE and other Brazilian bands. I must say that it was a great honor and that we’re totally proud being involved in this release. Relapse is a great label and they have done a great and true work supporting the Brazilian and Polish underground scene and others that will come as well!"
"Triumph In Blasphemy" was also the reason why Evil Vengeance Records got in touch with you, wasn’t it? Tell us a bit more about that company, like who runs that company, who else is on their label, how you hooked up with them and so on.
"Yes, our "Triumph…" demo was the seal of our deal with Evil Vengeance Records. The label is a new extreme record company from Gene Palubiki. All I can tell you is that the label has true and good intentions. Evil Vengeance did a honest and good deal in releasing the ABHORRENCE album and they have done a great work for the band with Listenable… I know that the label has done two new deals, so you can expect new killer releases from Evil Vengeance very soon!"
They are still a pretty small and unknown company though, so what made you sign with them instead of waiting a bit longer for better offers maybe? I mean, I suppose it wasn’t clear yet that French Listenable Records would license the record for Europe when you entered the studio in September 2000, was it?
"When Laurent from Listenable Records got in touch with us, we had just signed the deal with Evil Vengeance, so the best way for all was that Evil Vengeance would license the album to Listenable in Europe. We are very happy to be working with both labels, I think that the promotion and distribution will be more easy and comfortable for the both labels with this deal, and we hope that the album "Evoking The Abomination" will get everyone a great response that has worked upon this release! When we entered the studio to record the album all things were clear between Evil Vengeance and Listenable Records."
Tell us a bit more about the origin of "Evoking The Abomination" in general and the Da Tribo studio where you recorded the album. Have you already been there before or heard any experiences of other Brazilian bands that recorded their stuff in that particular studio?
"The album is entitled "Evoking The Abomination" and it features 8 fast and brutal songs, totally in the way of extreme Death Metal. Some titles like ‘Abattoir’, ‘Sacrificial Offerings’ or ‘Triumph In Blasphemy’ show a killer slashing Metal full of speed guitar riffs and solos, blasting snare and double kick bass getting a true storming desecration to the demonic hatred vocalization! The album’s title and cover artwork represents what you will get to hear in every track of the CD… The album was recorded and produced by Tchelo Martins in Brazil in Da Tribo Studio, where ABHORRENCE already had recorded before. We have a great relationship with the guys from Da Tribo and they had given us support since the beginning. Besides they have already done great work with other bands besides ABHORRENCE."
Was it clear straight from the beginning that you would be getting cover art from Joe Petagno? Have you discussed any details about how you want the art to look like or did he go for the design completely on his own?
"Since the beginning we knew that Petagno was the only guy that can create an artwork upon the "Evoking The Abomination" title. We are impressed with the covers that he’s recently done for ANGEL CORPSE, MOTÖRHEAD, KRISIUN and DIABOLIC, so I contacted Petagno and told him that ABHORRENCE is searching for an artist to create the cover for our album… When I made the deal with Petagno, I’d given him some ideas, but when I’ve seen the finished result, man I couldn’t believe what he had in mind! So, please – send the gold to Petagno!!! But check out the inside of the CD as well – there’s also a hellustration from Desmond that kicks ass! (featured somewhere in this interview as well – Ed.) He is another very promising and talented artist, one of the better ones that are rising nowadays!!!"
When did you get Erik Rutan (of MORBID ANGEL / HATE ETERNAL) involved in the project for the mastering of the recordings? Did you get together with him through the KRISIUN guys who he had also worked with already?
"Rutan really did a great work with KRISIUN’s "Conquerors…" album, but I know that Gene wanted the ABHORRENCE album to be mastered in Rutan’s studio. We are very honored that Rutan was involved in the "Evoking…" album! For us it was a great honor really, Rutan is one of the right ones to work with a Death Metal album nowadays, he knows what Death Metal is all about, in all senses!"
Talking of KRISIUN – does it bother you in any way that you get compared to them in most of the reviews? Do you know the guys personally? What kind of relationship do you have with them?
"No, the comparisons don’t really bother us, we understand them cause KRISIUN (Kings of Killing!!!) are the biggest name for this Death Metal style and they have opened the gates for other Brazilian Metal bands. They were the first Death Metal band from here that really came up with true and extreme Metal, KRISIUN have given the Brazilian scene a true Metal feeling at a time when Brazil didn’t have any bands carrying the true Metal flag! I know everyone personally and I can say that they are true people! We are all friends, but ABHORRENCE still have to work and fight a lot to really deserve this comparison."
Where do you draw your main musical influences from these days? Have those influences been the same when you started out with ABHORRENCE?
"Since the beginning we were getting our influences from the same source. I can say that our inspiration and influences come from all true Metal bands… Anyway bands like DEICIDE, MORBID ANGEL, KRISIUN and MOTÖRHEAD are bands that we listen to all the time!!!"
Are there any plans to go on the road now in order to promote the album?
"We have plans to go out on the road in the second half of the year. Our friends from EVIL INCARNATE are looking for dates to do an ABHORRENCE tour in the USA. Now we just hope to get help from Europe to get dates there as well and so on… Well, we really hope that the album gets a good response so that we can do a killer tour in Europe too!"
Like many other bands these days you also have a website on the net, but that doesn’t allow people to download any pictures or anything. What is the reason for this pretty unusual behavior?
"No my friend, our website is not totally finished yet… Soon it will be possible to get downloads of pictures and others! At the moment we just have a mp3 file and some important information’s about the band. When we have good and killer news we will update it!"
Have you already started working on new material in the meantime? When can we expect to hear brand-new stuff of you guys?
"We have just started to create a new song and we are also preparing a cover. We are rehearsing to be ready to bring a pure mayhemic assault to the stages, this is our priority now, to be ready to get on the road and to promote "Evoking The Abomination". Anyway, you can be sure that the new stuff will be the most brutal flaming death!!!"
Anything else you’d like to add to this interview?! Closing comments…
"Thanks my friend for the real and total support! Keep fighting, believing and supporting with VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE! ABHORRENCE really hopes that the album strikes every one that still don’t know the band, so contact us and be sure to support a band that have dignity playing Death Metal and will always carry the flag of the true Metal! For those that were supporting ABHORRENCE, we are very thankful and the album is our answer for the whole support and faith! Thanx! I hope to meet everyone very soon!!! 666 HAIL THE MIGHTY METAL FORCE FROM THE DEPTHS!!!"
Band contact: abhorrence@siage.com.br
Frank Stöver