SACRILEGE B.C. was a raging old school Thrash Metal band from Berkeley, California with a strong Punk / Hardcore edge to their music. They were pretty much the forerunners of what later would be labelled Crossover Thrash. In 1986 and 1988 they released two full length albums, “Party With God” and “Too Cool To Pray”, which have finally officially been re-released on CD (with their demos as bonus) via Vic Records at the end of last year. The following in-depth interview with vocalist Strephon Taylor and guitarist Gary Wendt is already a bit older (it was originally featured in Snakepit Magazine # 15), but since the band called the quits way back in 1991 already, the content is still as relevant as it was at that point. A big thanks goes out to Laurent Ramadier, who kindly gave us the permission to publish it here as well… Hope you’ll enjoy it!
As far as I know the band started around 1984 with a line-up consisting of Strephon Taylor (vocals), Matthew Fillmore (drums), Tim Howell / Gary Wendt (guitars) and Moose (bass), is that correct? Is there any other possible early members that were in the band early on?
Strephon: “Yes, this was the initial line-up. I think Matt was drumming for a band called CRUDE IMPULSE, I was in a band called TRUD, and I do not think Tim and Moose were in any bands yet. Gary I think was doing something but I can not remember now.”
Gary: “There was a guy by the name of Guillam (not sure of the spelling) who I replaced, on guitar. The band name hadn’t been decided, nor do I believe any original songs had been written, so I don’t even know if he counts or not.”
How and when did SACRILEGE start and how did all of you guys hooked up together exactly?
Strephon: ”We all knew each other from the Punk / Metal scene in the Bay Area at the time. I lived with Matt’s family for a while while I was in grammar school, so we were old friends. Tim had a house that was a party point and he was good friends with Moose and Gary already, I think school friends from Berkeley high. We just started hanging out more and more and I think it was pretty natural, pretty organic. I only remember sitting around trying to figure out a name, I wanted it to be named DARKNESS, I think Gary came up with SACRILEGE.”
Gary: “Strephon and Matt knew each other from Kennedy High, I believe. Same with Tim and Moose and Berkeley High. I met Tim and Moose at the latter. I think they were sophomores, I was a freshman. I don’t know exactly how Tim and Moose hooked up with Strephon and Matt. When I met Tim he was wearing a METALLICA shirt and up until that time, no one I knew had heard of that band. I commented, “Cool shirt, man” and he said, “Thanks”. We started talking afterwards, and we realized that we had a lot in common, we both played guitar, both took lessons from Joe Satriani, liked the same music, etc. Tim, Moose and I started jamming on SLAYER and METALLICA songs at Tims’ house. Things weren’t working out with Guillam, so Tim and Moose told the other guys about me. I auditioned and got the part.”
It seems a “demo” was recorded during 1984, different than the four track one from ’85, can you give us details on this about this mysterious recording as I’ve never seen it in any tape trading list?
Strephon: “We would set up a little boom box with stereo mics on it and record our practices, so I am sure that is what is floating around if anything. I just threw that little boom box away like a year ago, it had finally broke down.”
Gary: “I know nothing of this demo.”
Did the band start right away to play originals or did you toy with covers?
Strephon: “The band I was in before SACRILEGE did covers, and I know the band Matt was in before did covers as well. Mostly JUDAS PRIEST, AC/DC, IRON MAIDEN covers. So we had practice and knew song structure pretty well. I think SACRILEGE did a couple of covers later on, RAMONES, MERCYFUL FATE, but we started right in on originals.”
Gary: “We started with covers, ‘Die By The Sword’ by SLAYER was one. We also covered METALLICA and MERCYFUL FATE songs. We went on to cover many more throughout our “career”.”
So that brings me to ask you about the four song demo from 1985 featuring ‘Azmeroth’, ‘Skinned Alive’, ‘Crucified’ and ‘Heed No Warning’, do you have a clue of how it was recorded? I mean in which conditions? Was it a studio tape or…?
Strephon: “We recorded that in a studio I think in Concord, California, not sure. I remember recording it in the middle of the night so we got a better deal on the studio time. We had the tracks under our belts from playing them live at that point so I am sure it was recorded in a live set up with very few takes. I think a little overdubbing was recorded on that as well.”
Gary: “We recorded it during the graveyard shift at some studio. I don’t remember where. I believe we did it in one night.”
Do you know if the band promoted that recording heavily besides the Bay Area? I mean I’ve never seen much articles on the band in worldwide Metal magazines / fanzines unlike let’s say LEGACY, HEATHEN or MORDRED…
Strephon: “We tried to promote ourselves, but we were not represented like the bands you mentioned. LEGACY was around while we started, the others came later. We did not have a manager and we played a lot of Punk shows, it was unusual for a “Metal” band to play Punk shows at the time so we were the outcasts from the scene. I remember later guys would come to Ruthies in Berkeley from Europe and interview us and the other bands around. I rarely saw anything written about us, I think it was clear that we did not look, act or play like any of the other Metal bands around, so we did not get as much coverage.”
Gary: “Tape trading was the thing at the time. We relied on “word of mouth” more than anything. We were too Punk Rock for those kinds of magazines. Our first press was in “Maximum Rock’n’Roll”. It was a Punk magazine based in Berkeley.”
It seems that you didn’t like to do interviews which certainly didn’t help developing the band popularity either, any comments on that point, which I’ve verified myself back then as I never been able to get any answer from you back then when I was publishing my ‘zine D.O.D?
Strephon: “I did interviews with magazines that contacted us, I know sometimes the incoming mail was brought to practice and Matt or myself would work on it. I am sure a lot of stuff got lost, we were all on drugs at the time and chasing girls was much more entertaining than answering questions. Again we did not have any management and that probably hinder our concentration on publicity. I think it was good for us artistically in the long run.”
Gary: “I don’t think we minded the interview process, we just didn’t get many requests for them.”
At which point and in which circumstances did Sean Smithson join you, replacing Moose? What was his musical background in the Bay Area?
Strephon: “Sean replaced Moose after Moose did too much acid. I remember I got a call from Moose asking me if I remembered bouncing a ball through a tree the day before, and I had not seen Moose for a couple of days. Anyway he thought I was the devil and started seeing a doctor for his problems. I think he was put away for a little while, and I never really talked with him again. I want to point something out, Moose is black, and we got some shit from people for having him in the band. At the time none of the Metal bands had any black members in them. And I think it is one of the reasons we were accepted by Bay Area Punks, the Punk scene was being replaced by the Metal scene and lots of the Punk bands had non whites in them. We were also close to a band called FANG and we played with them a lot, so that might be another reason we did not get as much attention as some of the other bands. Back to Sean, he was in a few bands and Matt was his buddy, Matt always worked with the new bass players and Sean actually replaced Dave Edwardson (NEUROSIS). Dave replaced Moose for a while, but he had to leave because he had to make the choice between us and NEUROSIS, he clearly made the right decision.”
Gary: “Moose was having personal problems, and with no end in sight, we were forced to find a replacement. I don’t know how we hooked up with Sean, you’ll have to ask someone else.”
What do you recall from that show when SACRILEGE did open with INSANITY for DEATH at Ruthies on October 19, 1985 which marked the live debut for this band in the Bay Area?
Strephon: “I can not recall individual shows, like I said I was on drugs. I did become friends with Evil Chuck and we partied together a few times. I was sorry to hear about his passing, he was a goofy cat.”
Incidentally enough I’ve never seen any SACRILEGE live shows floating in the underground circuit prior to Autumn 1985, would that mean that this period marked the live debut of SACRILEGE? If that’s the case, which I seriously doubt, why did the band never gig before considering the number of places that were open to underground Metal back at the time?
Strephon: “We played parties and stuff before we started playing in clubs, let alone clubs that would video tape us. We played a lot of the clubs around the Bay Area and up and down the west coast. We played a lot of the older Punk dives as well, not official clubs just old warehouses or houses that were a lot of fun.”
Gary: “We started at Ruthies and branched out from there. We played so many gigs at so many places, I just don’t remember most of them. Sorry.”
Were you getting familiar with the other Bay Area acts that had started at the same time as you guys, such as POSSESSED, BLOOD BATH, TYRANNICIDE, DESECRATION, ULYSSES SIREN, HEATHEN etc. etc.? What were your views on that flourish / highly talented, for most of it, Metal scene?
Strephon: “We were not on very good terms with most of the bands around but I spent a lot of time with Jeff and Larry from POSSESSED, I would go on short trips with POSSESSED from time to time. My step brother played drums for DESECRATION so I was cool with them, but they came along a long time after we were playing.”
Gary: “Oh, sure. We knew of all those bands. Some were actually real good friends. We used to hang out with the POSSESSED guys on a weekly basis over at their manager, Debbie Abono’s house. We were tight with the BLOODBATH and the DESECRATION guys as well. I loved ’em all.”
How about the older Bay Area acts that had paved the way for you guys such as BLIND ILLUSION, TRAUMA, HEXX, GRIFFIN, ANVIL CHORUS, CONTROL etc. etc.? Have you grown up looking at what they were doing and how they were developing a new sound?
Strephon: “Out of the bands you mentioned I only saw ANVIL CHORUS live and I thought they sucked. I was into seeing FANG, VERBAL ABUSE, SPECIAL FORCES, later I would go to EXODUS shows but that is as the best as far as Metal I would go and see.”
Gary: “We were all into EXODUS alot.”
By the way, unlike the majority of the Bay Area acts, SACRILEGE’s music style was not 100% Metal as you had injected a good dose of Hardcore in your material, if I’m correct bands like FANG, D.R.I. (who had just relocated to California at the time), RAMONES were part of your influences, is that correct? Who would you name as influences too?
Strephon: “Yeah, the only Metal that I think was an influence was by far EXODUS, later SLAYER on me anyway. I was far more influenced by Punk, and British Heavy Metal. BLACK SABBATH was the shit, MOTÖRHEAD rules, and the original IRON MAIDEN with Paul was fucking great! But the RAMONES were always my favorites, and lots of local Punk bands influenced my content as well as attitude toward the music. I remember playing with D.R.I. a lot, we became good friends with them and we became party buddies with them. AC/DC was also a huge influence on me, I remember listening to “Powerage” over and over again.”
Gary: “Correct, ’80s Hardcore rules. SUBHUMANS, BAD BRAINS, CORROSION OF CONFORMITY, VICTIM’S FAMILY. Those were big influences for us.”
During 1985 U.K.’s SACRILEGE had released a demo and the “Beyond The Realms Of Madness” EP, do you recall how you’ve got aware of that band? Did you like their material?
Strephon: “We became aware of the SACRILEGE in the UK by name. We got a recording and knew that it was not a big deal, people would be able to figure out who was who pretty easy. I remember we talked about contacting them and seeing if we could work something out, but we just added the B.C. and let sleeping dogs lie.”
Gary: “Someone brought to our attention that there was another band with the same name from the U.K. I don’t remember the who or the where. We ended up adding the B.C. to our name because of them. I don’t remember if I liked them or not.”
Considering SACRILEGE were a Thrash act as well, have you thought at that point that it might do some harm to you guys or…?
Strephon: “Like I mentioned above we just added the B.C. and moved on, what were we going to do?! We did not have any management so it was just us to fix that.”
Gary: “We probably sweated it a bit. We came up with a solution, though.”
So how did the deal with Victor from Alchemy Records come up? As far as I remember it was a real tiny label that didn’t release much besides your first album and CLOWN ALLEY’s one…
Strephon: “Mark Dutrum was the guitarist in CLOWN ALLEY and he was the partner with Victor. He liked us and wanted to produce us so we were the second band signed to Alchemy. But you are wrong about Alchemy not releasing much. NEUROSIS “Pain Of Mind”, THE MELVINS “Gluey Porch Treatments”, R.K.L., POISON IDEA, THE GRIM. Lots of good stuff came out on Alchemy, it was a good start up label that was badly managed.”
Gary: “He approached us, offered us a deal, we discussed it, reviewed the contracts and went for it.”
Does that mean that you had no other somewhat bigger labels such as Combat or whatever interested in the band at a time when all the other Bay bands were getting deals quite easily?
Strephon: “I do not know how easy the other bands were getting signed. I had a good view of POSSESSED and DEATH ANGEL and saw what getting signed meant for them. I was happy to get to record for Alchemy, we got to do whatever we wanted, we do not owe anybody a dime, and I now own all the rights to the recordings.”
Gary: “ We were too Punk Rock for the bigger labels, I think.”
Don’t you think, looking back, that it was a big mistake having been signed to such a tiny label considering that your album wasn’t easily available worldwide as you had no license for Europe for example?
Strephon: “We sold close to 10,000 units of our records, it does not seem like much but for an independent label it was great. We got distributed in Europe by Southern studios, and we did pretty good overseas as well. I do not think it was a mistake, and remember we are talking about vinyl, we never got released on CD, it was not popular yet. Most of the bands that got signed to larger labels suffered the same fate as us, it is a one in a million shot to make a living as a band, and we just did not make the cut.”
Gary: “I don’t know that we had too many options other than taking that route.”
The album was recorded and released during 1986, do you recall the sessions for it? Did you use all the tunes you had written for this album? Why wasn’t ‘Heed No Warning’ used on it, by the way?
Strephon: “We recorded it at Starlight Studios in Richmond, California, right down the hill from where I live. Mark was producing it and we did it in less than a week. We are getting it re-mastered as I write this and ‘Heed No Warning’ is on the original tapes. We had a speed dealer stop by during the recording of ‘Heed…’ and it is ten times faster than it should have been. It’s also all over the map, I might include it on a re-release of “Party With God”.”
Gary: “We recorded it at Starlight Studios in Richmond, California. I think we did it in like three days. It was rushed. I can’t say I’m happy with the way it came out. ‘Heed No Warning’ was recorded, but it sucked, so we didn’t use it.”
Most of the songs clocked at around three minutes which allowed you the possibility to include 13 tracks on your debut record, still the average song length was untypical of what was going on in the Bay with the other bands which included many tempo changes in their songs etc. Would you admit that SACRILEGE, by all the different aspects mentioned until now, were somewhat unpredictable / untypical?
Strephon: “Well the Punk influence was in song times as much as the content. I can tell by the questions so far in the interview that you did knot know of the Punk scene in the Bay Area at the same time that the Metal scene was going on, we were less unpredictable as we were one of the first Crossover bands that did not intend to be one.”
Gary: “We were untypical in the sense that we could play both Punk shows and Metal shows. We didn’t fit into one genre.”
While the band was more on the Thrash side, the lyrical aspect of SACRILEGE was clearly based on death subjects judging by the song titles which were explicit to say the least, were you heavily influenced by gore movies to come up with such titles?
Strephon: “Horror films and the occult have always been big influences on me. I remember staying up for days watching horror films on video. The whole home video thing was just starting out and I was watching all this stuff I had never seen before. The Italian horror stuff was just out of control. I still watch a lot of horror stuff and my video collection is extensive.”
Gary: “Moose, who wrote lyrics for many songs on the first album, was influenced more by SLAYER and EXODUS’ lyrics. Strephon, on the other hand was more political.”
The band spent most of 1986 playing locally, but it seems that you’ve managed to venture in states such as New Mexico, Nevada and even Texas. Was it part of a tour or just dates you had been offered? Did Alchemy offer a tour at one point also?
Strephon: “We toured the States a couple of times, we got to play CBGB’S in New York. Again it was a Punk attitude to just tour, we had a friend who booked shows for Punk bands though “Maximum Rock’n’Roll” magazine book our first tour. No Alchemy, no tour support, we just spent the night on someone’s floor, fire the van up and get to the next gig. Metal bands in the Bay Area never did this kind of stuff, I got too see the entire country up close and that will always be the best thing that SACRILEGE ever gave me.”
Gary: “Matt and Strephon booked the whole tour themselves. No help from Alchemy here.”
At which point did you add the B.C. to the band name? It seems it was following a demand from your label, Alchemy, correct?
Strephon: “No, Alchemy did not push us to add the B.C., we did it on our own. Some people started to refer to us a S.B.C. in the vein of D.R.I., M.D.C., R.K.L. and C.O.C. I did not like that so everything had to just be SACRILEGE B.C. We added it before we recorded the first record, pretty much as soon as we heard about the SACRILEGE from the UK.”
Gary: “I don’t remember if Alchemy had any say in that decision.”
So during 1987 you recorded your second album, “Too Cool To Pray”, but it was issued by Ever Rat Records from Seattle, not Alchemy anymore, what happened? Why did you go from a tiny label to another tiny one? Still this time it seems you had a better distribution since GWR from U.K distributed it in Europe…
Strephon: “Alchemy had a silent partner we were unaware of and that is what happened. Technically we were still under contract with Alchemy and we recorded with them, the record came out under the Ever Rat label. We dealt with all the same people, and it was just done that way without our input.”
Gary: “I don’t know, sorry.”
Would you say that this second opus sounded way better and closer to what you wanted?
Strephon: “I preferred the first record production wise, but content wise I liked “Too Cool…” better. We recorded it in an out of the way studio in San Francisco, it looked like a converted town house. I remember having an argument over who would pay for the pizzas one day.”
Gary: “Yes, most definitively. More time, better studio(s), better production, better musicianship. Much more fun!!!”
So during 1987 Smithson left the band and got replaced by Todd Newton, what happened?
Strephon: “Sean never committed to the band, he never bought his own equipment and after a short tour he was let go.”
Gary: “Sean was unhappy, I guess. He told me recently that he left because he wanted to involve himself more with his other project, THE UNCALLED 4. Todd was a nice guy, but he couldn’t play for shit. Good job, Matt!!”
SACRILEGE managed to do a short tour in the U.K. during the summer of 1988, how did you get that opportunity? How did that go and why didn’t you hit more European countries during that tour?
Strephon: “That was another do it yourself tour, we financed the tour ourselves. We had a booking person booking a lot of Europe but it all fell apart after we started touring the UK. We had to cancel because more than half the shows would have been forced, and we would have been sprinting from show to show or sitting around for weeks at a time. Very badly booked tour, but the U.K. was great and we had an incredible response, again the best thing the band gave me was travelling.”
Gary: “I’m not sure. All I know is that I paid for three, out of the five of us, money for plane tickets. It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. We toured with the British band SLAMMER. It was great fun. We didn’t have a booking agent or anything, so England was the only country we toured. It could have gone on forever for all I cared.”
The band vanished by 1989 or so, shortly after “Too Cool..” was issued, what happened exactly?
Strephon: “We treaded water for quite a while, after “Too Cool…” we put out another demo in 1990, but it was already too late. A couple of members were already junkies, and the fun was over, Jim Lappen had left at that point Matt said he did not want to train another bass player, and Gary said he wanted to quit and join RELEASE. So we called it a day and went on our ways.”
Gary: “We did a final demo (my favorite recording of ours, actually) and it just didn’t seem that Strephon was into it anymore. One thing led to another, and we disbanded.”
What have you done after the split? Did you Strephon start a career right away as an artist into tattoos and stuff, I believe?
Strephon: “I had to straighten out first, I had a pretty healthy appetite for chemicals at that moment. I met my wife while I was in SACRILEGE and we got closer after the band broke up, she got me clean. I started working more on my own art, I have never tattooed anybody but I have been interviewed by tattoo magazines about my art, it transfers well.”
Gary: “I scouted ads in the local music papers and ended up playing with RELEASE.”
Did you feel concerned when you’ve seen that a once killer scene was dying at a fast pace, like it did in the early ’90s, being supplanted by Nu Metal?
Strephon: “The scene just shifted back to Punk again, I did not miss the Metal scene going away. The new rage was RANCID and GREEN DAY, and a bunch of new Pop Punk bands. That scene is still around a bit, but the next big scene to come around was the Rockabilly revival, that was fun and they drank more than the Pop Punk guys did. Metal is already back strong, not as many places to play, but I hear about shows all the time.”
Gary: “I have seen scenes come and go. It happens. I’m only concerned when a new scene doesn’t come along to replace the old.”
Have you followed what the ex – members did after SACRILEGE B.C., like Gary having joined RELEASE and then the first SKINLAB line-up, Tim went with FUELED and is currently with RE:IGNITION and Smithson being involved in some local band with Chris Kontos (ex – MACHINE HEAD, ATTITUDE)…
Strephon: “Tim and I have remained friends since after the band split-up, and I think what he is doing is great. I have not really talked to the other guys since we broke up, I miss Matt he was a good friend, but I apparently did something to piss him off forever. And Gary has his own thing going on, I have talked to him like twice or something. I see Sean at horror movie stuff around the Bay Area from time to time, he is into that stuff too.”
How about Moose, who was seen during mid ’93 playing with BONDED BY BLOOD (a sort of EXODUS reunion that failed) for one show?
Strephon: “I was working at a place next to where Moose worked for a while, and we would say hi if we saw each other, that’s about it. I know he still plays, he is a very talented musician, but I had no idea about the EXODUS thing.”
Gary: “I bump into Moose now and again. He still plays music and is still very talented. Hi, Moose!!!!”
I don’t own them, but it seems that your two albums have been issued on the CD format as bootlegs, are you aware of this?
Strephon: “Yes I own them, a friend of mine pointed them out in a big Metal catalog. I never did anything about them but they have since vanished form said catalog. I see them on Ebay sell for good money now.”
Gary: “Yep, I have them.”
Have you maybe discussed the idea with the other ex – members about finding a label or re-issuing those albums yourselves with demo and / or live tracks as bonus, considering the rising interest in the Bay Area scene once again?
Strephon: “I have spent some money on getting the recording and getting them re-mastered. All I could get were the unmixed original two inch recordings, so they had to be completely re – produced. The recordings are pretty much finished at this point, I am talking to Megaforce about re – releasing them but it is still in the air. I do have some smaller labels that want to release them so eventually they will come out.”
Gary: “I think Strephon is negotiating with someone to have them released. I haven’t talked to him in awhile. I think he’s avoiding me. (laughs)”
Gary, what can you tell us about RELEASE with whom you’ve released an album in the mid ‘90s, a band that featured no less than Aaron Zimpel (ex – METAL CHURCH, ANVIL CHORUS)? Did you tour in support of this record?
Gary: “We did not tour behind that record. Century Media wasn’t very well known in the States at the time. We were too cautious and only signed for one album. They did not want to invest in a band that weren’t willing to invest in them, so nothing happened.”
Then you were involved with SKIN LAB, another much sought after Bay Area band. Tell us more about this. What happened at the end as they broke up?
Gary: “I was and am friends with those guys. They were looking for a replacement for Adam, and asked me. Robb Flynn (MACHINE HEAD) kinda talked me into it. No offense guys, but I wanted to start a band of my own, not join anothers. I recorded a record with them, toured Europe, fell out with Steev (Esquivel) and got kicked out. Oh, well. Shit happens. I had the time of my life, though. I’m glad I did it. They broke up way after I left. I’m not sure why, I think they thought they had taken it as far as it would go. I formed my new band about seven years after. I had a bit of a drug problem for a while. I’m okay now.”
You’re now involved in a band called THE GHOST NEXT DOOR, tell us more about this.
Gary: “The other three guys were in a band called, MAXIMILLIANS MOTORCYCLE CLUB. They sort of disbanded and put out an ad for another guitarist. I answered, auditioned and got the job. It’s me on guitar / vocals, Seanan Gridley on bass, and Sean Haeberman on drums. I put an add on Craigs list and they answered. We tried each other out and it fit. There you have it!”
How would describe the band musically?
Gary: “At first we were an Alternative band, now our material is leaning more towards the heavier side of things.”
Do you miss those heydays that represents the mid ’80s in all honesty? What do you miss the most?
Strephon: “I like to live in the present, and look forward, it was fun but I do not miss much of it. I do miss the lack of responsibility, and staying up all night sometimes, but I am not reliving any of it by any means.”
Gary: “Yes, but, as you know, all good things must come to an end (sigh), I miss Ruthies Inn the most. That was the best scene ever!!!”
How do you view the comeback of legendary acts such as EXODUS, DEATH ANGEL, WARNING SF, HEATHEN and short lived reunions of bands like MORDRED, ULYSSES SIREN etc.? Would you say that the Thrash Of The Titans was like an electro-shock for the scene?
Strephon: “I really do not have a view of that, I am doing completely different things now and that stuff is great and all, but it is old hat. Look, Metal is a young music, I wanted the world to burn and I could care less for anybody while I was in SACRILEGE. That was the energy of the music, I am in my late 30s now, the fire is not the same, I am still raging, I only do it with art and politics now, not snorting speed and screaming about inhumanities. If you find the music and the scene you are in to be right, more power to you, but if you are trying to relive old glory or trying and make a quick buck that is just kind of sad.”
Gary: “More power to them. If you still got it, flaunt it. Yes, I believe the Thrash Of The Titans had alot to do with it. Everything has to do with it, as a matter of fact.”
Have you thought about reforming SACRILEGE B.C. at least for a show or two?
Strephon: “Not unless you can resurrect the dead, SACRILEGE B.C. is gone. I think that the music was what it was and I recorded and played that stuff with the passion I had at that time. If I was to go back to music it would be where I am at, at this time, not go backwards. I will not piss into a glass and call it beer, I will never be able to have that fire again. No, I have never been approached to be in anything with SACRILEGE, but you got to know that I am completely removed from all the people who are involved with that stuff. And the few who do talk to me know I have no interest whatsoever, I do not even go to shows anymore.”
Gary: “I would love to. I don’t think that it will though, not with the original line-up anyway.”
Close this interview the way you want…
Strephon: “Look for the SACRILEGE B.C. CDs sometime in 2006, and if you want to see what I am up to go to www.strephon.com.”
Gary: “In closing, check out the mentioned sites, download our songs (we’re working on recording some new ones right now, they will be done very soon) and support your local music scene, Dammitt!!! See Ya!”
Intro and editing: Frank
Interview: Laurent Ramadier