(TTS Media Music)
Long after the release date of AMOK VEDAR’s debut full length the band sent it to me because the label obviously didn’t give a fart. TTS Media Music? Oh yeah, I already know two bands who get pretty pissed when mentioning that label. Hopefully AMOK VEDAR don’t experience the same. The band still plays “Gothic Black Metal” but somehow the gothic horror movie feel is less strong in comparison to their “Seelenfriede” EP. Instead, I kinda felt a somewhat stronger DIMMU BORGIR influence although the main element for comparison, keyboarder Trakon, doesn’t really sound like DIMMU BORGIR. So what’s all the noise about? I suppose parallels seem to come through because the new material (although still long and epic) is somewhat more to the point. Even easier accessible. So the band has obviously matured. I’m not 100% sure whether I like that or not because AMOK VEDAR were good musicians and composers in the past already. By slightly dropping the soundtrack feeling (it’s rather a stomach thing than something I can actually get a grip on) they lost a bit of that pretty unique identity I thought I had found in the band. On the other hand: you can still put on a black and white horror movie, turn down the sound and put on the new AMOK VEDAR record so I guess I’m overly sensitive right now. And despite of all the pathos from the orchestration the band kept its kick ass Metal attitude: big guitar solos in the vein of 80s Metal heroes and an ever present bass that doesn’t drown in the background. Big sounding production, by the way. So the question is: Can AMOK VEDAR keep you awake over a complete full length? Hell yes, they can!
Ramon Claassen