Chthonic Gates Unveiled
(Terratur Possessions)
Even though Terratur Possessions from Trondheim in Norway is the main label that gives the Nidrosian Black Metal scene a platform for their releases, the owner of the label also looks beyond the local borders and puts out albums from bands that aren’t from Trondheim or even Norway. One of these bands is BYTHOS from Tampere in Finland. Yet they really fit the sound of their label, as the songs on their second album “Chthonic Gates Unveiled” have the same spirit that bands like MISOTHEIST or SALIGIA spread. But the approach of the Finns is still a different one, as BYTHOS can’t deny the influence of the mighty DISSECTION and similar bands. This means that “Chthonic Gates Unveiled” is a melodic Black Metal album, but by no means a copy of the role model. BYTHOS know how to write songs that are full of tension, breaks and changes of pace. Asides from some ideas and a general spirit that remind of Nidrosian Black Metal, we also find moments that are based in classic Metal. The powerful, but still harsh vocal delivery adds the final touch to the sound of BYTHOS. This enthralling mix needs of course more than just one or two run-throughs to really unfold its quality. But once “Chthonic Gates Unveiled” found its way into the ears and brains of the listener, songs like ‘Thoughtless Light’, ‘Ancient Kings Arise’ or the extremely variable ‘Daimon Of Nullification’ are a real joy for those who like their Metal black and melodic. For more, visit the home of the band www.facebook.com/bythosofficial or their label www.facebook.com/terraturpossessions
Thomas Meyer