Evil Is The Spirit
(Nigredo Records)

Putrid. It’s the word that comes to mind while listening to DAGORATH from Poland. Putrid Black Metal done really well. Which means plenty of riffs mostly executed via tremolo picking, slowing-downs, clean bits, even dual guitar attack and guitar solos – but all within the context of aforementioned putridness. The vocals are a standard Black Metal affair, almost. They are uttered in a way that feels like whomever is stretching his vocal cords is at the same time gasping for air. Not a novelty, true, but a nice touch. More often than not the two guitars will go separate ways which definitely makes this EP a standout. If putrid could be equated with primitive then as far as the guitars are concerned this is a deal breaker. Thankfully. There’s much enjoyment to be found in the interplay with bass and drums forming a more than solid backbone. Yes, bass is quite present in the soundscape and it has to be said, the drums sound tangible – like they are right there and not filtered through studio wizardry. That does not equate with putrid at all. The title "Evil Is The Spirit" is thus quite fitting. Original or not it’s definitely not a case of beating around the proverbial bush. Such bare boned Black Metal deserves appreciation – too often there are high words and clever image at play to strip it down and let it rot like this and, well, let the music do the talking. A breath of fresh air indeed, as putrid as the music may be. Don’t miss out: www.facebook.com/dagorathpl, www.nigredorecords.org.

Jurij Pajk

Jurij Pajk

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