Krieg, Hass, Tod
(Perverted Taste Records)

This is the fourth full-length album of EWIGES REICH from Kassel (Germany). We get what I call typical German Black Metal, music which is floating through the ears without leaving anything remarkable. The problem is that this could also be album number 1 or number 10 from band XY, it somehow all sounds the same, be it the guitars, the drums or the vocals, there is nothing extreme within this music. “Where are the emotions, where is the mysticism, possession and darkness?” I ask myself over and over again while listening to this album. Of course “Krieg, Hass, Tod” is not a completely bad release, it has nevertheless its nice moments, but those are too small in their number to be satisfied with and to give this a soul. Just one among many… ewigesreich@gmx.de, www.pervertedtaste.de

Andi Bauer

Andi Bauer

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