The Seven Gates In Hell
Metal can be found everywhere nowadays. Even from some more obscure countries like China, for example. Chinese HELLFIRE trust the power of raw and filthy sounding Thrash Metal that takes a slice from the times of METALLICA’s "Kill ’em All" – and a slice from bands like VENOM and BULLDOZER. Basically they sound just ‘ok-ish’ at their very best but at the end of the day I don’t think this very disc of theirs, can raise any bigger ‘fuck yeahs!’ in anyone. Besides, I don’t know what has happened with the actual recording of this album but at least the disc I got, the whole recording is full of annoying scratches, making me to think whether they are there on purpose, just to imitate some dusty and dirty vinyl or something – or is it that the actual recording just got damaged somehow, but the guys still decided to release this in any case? Well, that will remain as an odd mystery to me anyway. Good try to capture those golden times of Thrash Metal but it simply didn’t work too well for these Chinese Thrashers, not this time however. Contact: http://site.douban.com/hellfire or hellfireclub@163.com
Luxi Lahtinen