Demo 2012
Hmmm… HELL’S THRASH HORSEMEN? What kind of a band name is that really? I cannot help it but the name sounds like someone has formed a joke band. To be absolutely sincere and honest, that was my very first impression on this band name anyway. When starting to dig deeper through the ground, gladly it appeared quite soon that we are quite far away about talking some ‘joke band’ in this case here. HELL’S THRASH HORSEMEN plays some intense and well executed, old school Thrash Metal that surely takes its most influences from the fertile US ground of Thrash. You know, borrowing a thing or two from the early times of SLAYER, METALLICA and TESTAMENT, leads toward some impressive results most often – and this is where these 4 Russian lads have had a good attempt at to say the least. In fact, HELL’S THRASH HORSEMEN can be considered as the most hopeful Thrash Metal act coming from Russia, since END ZONE, MASTER or DEAD X HEAD in my opinion. The band has certainly got enough skills to get themselves kicked off on the next level success-wise; it’s just a matter of all the hard work they may – or may not, put for the band as far as some promotional aspects are concerned. I don’t wanna say more expect HELL’S THRASH HORSEMEN does kick ass pretty nicely indeed. More about these thrashing Russian horsemen at
Luxi Lahtinen