Euphoric Hallucination
(Blood Harvest Records)
Another eruption from Chile and yet another morsel from Blood Harvest, HORRIFYING attack the ear canals with three churning old school Death Metal tracks. As expected by the Blood Harvest stable, HORRIFYING propel their Metal with a warm and anti-digital production. ‘An Agonic Death’ bursts out of the gates in a ripping fashion, with a dark, DEAD CONGREGATION flavor. Vocals are of the higher, raspy register; mayhaps like Bay from SADISTIC INTENT. In fact, those Californians are a good point of reference for what HORRIFYING sound like in general. Track two has a blend of different tempos, including a doomy, INCANTATION-y midsection / closing riff. ‘Petrifying Hallucinations’ starts with some hellish guitar-whammy screams before launching into another mostly speedy track. Definitely a promising teaser. Nice work, guys!,
Dick Osmond