Graceless Planet
(Great Dane Records)
Have you ever wondered what you’d get if you put all of your 90s influences onto an album? You get NIHÏLANTH’s “Graceless Planet”. Right from the get go, the band stays true to the sound, the approach and the evilness of the 90s Death Metal. ‘Endless Red Stream’ is MORBID ANGEL worship done right. Of course not to the extent of the masters, but NIHÏLANTH hold their own really well. There is British Death Metal relentlessness coupled with American aggression. We’ve got standard, really well fitting, deep vocals right next to solid riffs throughout the album. The rhythm is as strong as they come. This French band touches upon all highlights of the era we love and adore. ‘A Promontory Of Pain’ is perhaps the best representation of the band, an excellent bassy intro building up into a mid tempo standard Death Metal routine with excellent guitar parts in the background. These are kind of the tracks where you appreciate how well this album was mixed. Every instrument is given its space and is provided with adequate air to breathe making a wall of aggressive, uncompromising Death Metal. Right after this comes a gentle acoustic interlude providing an excellent sense of relief, ‘The Cairn’ is as sombre as it is subtle while providing a gentle retreat. On the whole if you’re a distant fan of the 90s Death Metal, check NIHÏLANTH without a delay. They bring all things lost to the forefront with ease. At just 33 minutes long, their debut “Graceless Planet” is sure fun. Another band added to check out live, this is the music you’d utterly enjoy in a pub with your mates. Finally props to the band for the Half Life throwback / reference. For more information please visit: www.facebook.com/nihilanthfr, www.facebook.com/greatdanerecords
Vamsi Kanagovi
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