Na Polach Bitew
(Pagan Records)

Although I had never heard about them, Polish North are not a new band in their country’s underground scene, as they raised with the first wave of Black Metal bands there, just like GRAVELAND, BEHEMOTH or HERMH. I have to admit that when I saw the label "Pagan War Metal from Poland" I immediately feared to find another clone of the sound of GRAVELAND and all those bands so reknown nowadays. But what a surprise when I listened to the first track and found a totally different music from the usual Polish bands, not any GRAVELAND nor VADER influence here (which is quite difficult to find there, seeing the majority of bands raising from that country), and more a big Thrash Metal influence together with a lot of brutality, which makes seven tracks of heavily aggressive and fast Black / Thrash Metal (there are very few midpaced parts) with a good production, but not the usual and too clean from the majority of polish bands too. All this doesn’t mean the music of these four guys is extremely original, they mix a lot of, classical in the majority, influences, but the result of it all is not the usual music you can find today. Not too technical, but very well played and precise as hell, with a very powerful drummer (this guy doesn’t stop a second) and two different vocals, from harsher to lower ones. So, the Pagan influence here is more in the lyrics and the warlike mood of the songs, but no folkish nor monotonous landscapes, only battle Metal straight to the face.

Jeroni Sancho

Jeroni Sancho

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