Demon Metal
(Hells Headbangers)
An assault on the senses awaits anyone who spins this on their turntable. South American bands tend to play so fast as to be almost incomprehensible, but the Chilean PERVERSOR make their songs both fast and clear – and that has absolutely zero effect on the ferocity of the EP. The songs PERVERSOR write are stylistically descended from the usual set of bands. There’s BATHORY, NIFELHEIM, SODOM, and other such bands whose influence bleed through. One would be hard pressed indeed to call PERVERSOR original, but originality oftentimes is not the point. There are certain traditions in Metal that need to be repeated ad nauseum because they’re fantastic. Devil worship and bleached bones will always rule. PERVERSOR released their debut album, “Cult Of Destruction”, on Nuclear War Now! in 2008. They were the talk of the town until, the internet being what it is, shunted attention to something else. And for a year or so they weren’t heard from until Hell’s Headbangers announced this devastatingly good EP. www.hellsheadbangers.com
Nathan Shapiro

Demon Metal
(Hells Headbangers)
From Chile, this is the new strike of this beast known as PERVERSOR. I already liked their debut album released on NWN Productions. So this is basically in the same style of dirty Deathrash / Black that makes reference to bands like SARCOFAGO, MUTILATOR and old SEPULTURA. The production is quite raw and maybe primitive, but it also makes this to sound more old school and I am more than confident that it was done on purpose. As the aforementioned bands, PERVERSOR keeps it simple with the riffs and rhythm changes, and more than once the VENOM and MOTÖRHEAD influences shines, thus making the songs to be memorable head banging tracks. There is a very special effect on the vox, which makes it sound to be recorded in a cave by an angry demon, screaming for reinforcements while attacking the unsuspected victims around. Probably they tend to lose some power in the very fast parts, as especially the drums gets lost in the vortex of sonic violence. 5 songs are offered in sacrifice here, with a very complete packaging, including lyrics and images, complementing each track. If the title does not already told you of what the lyrics are about, songs like ‘Enthrone The God Of Blasphemy’ must give you the final indication. Less melodic than let’s say NIFELHEIM, this brutal assault of destruction will please the hunger of blood for those still longing for that primitive South American evil Metal sound. I would also advise to try getting their debut “Cult Of Perversion” while you are at it, for more sounds of decay and blasphemy. There is a die hard edition in colored vinyl for this MLP, with also big booklet for those collectors out there. www.hellsheadbangers.com
Julián Núñez