Sacrifice At Dawn
PESTHAUCH seems to be a new Black Metal outfit from Austria and their debut album "Sacrifice At Dawn" is a first sign of life. The music itself is normal Black Metal without any highlights. The sound is clear and PESTHAUCH’s technical skills are really not bad, but the whole album definitely lacks of mysticism and somehow dins perpetually into one’s ears as it is missing extremity. "Sacrifice At Dawn", like many other Black Metal releases these days, reveals this huge gap between the lyrics, which speak of total devastation and destruction of mankind and all holiness, and the music which is really lame and soulless. Sorry, I really wanted to find good things to say about "Sacrifice At Dawn", but I could not discover any. Sorry also, because I really like the Austrian Metal scene with its inspiring bands. Nevertheless you can get the CD for 10 Euro + p&p at: PESTHAUCH, Andreas Huber, Grillparzerstr. 8, A – 4844 Regen, Austria, pesthauch@gmx.at, www.pesthauch.at.tf
Andi Bauer