A Flock Slaughtered
(Godz Ov War Productions)
Milwaukee’s finest are back with their second full length effort, 10 slaps of rancid Death Metal that’ll satisfy most of us Death Metal hungering fans. A couple a years ago I had PIG’S BLOOD first self-titled effort thrown my way, for my listening discomfort and gave it some great words along the way. That album does still hold its own this day, so I had been looking forward for this new abomination from the Americans. Chaotic dark Death Metal with a little noisy Black Metal in the mix makes an eerie atmospheric and very brutal album. The guitars are churning out riffs with a little melodic edge, hidden under the raw noise from the main riffs, the bass and the pummeling thundering drumming lead the pace, with a wicked guttural bastard of a growl and scream on top or below, it all works quite well, and the band builds a strong gripping atmosphere. It is all packed in a fitting noisy and raw production that suits the musical output perfectly. War Metal of the finest kind packed in a tight fist, waging battle. If you also miss the good old days when Canadian and Australian hordes lead the battle, PIG’S BlOOD are up your alley! Follow the war command till death: www.facebook.com/commandmoreblood, www.godzovwar.com
Anders Peter Jørgensen