Destination Destruction
(Steamhammer Records / SPV)

Allow me cut to the chase: Finland’s SATAN’S FALL sophomore album “Destination Destruction” is high quality Heavy Metal. It is actually one of the best albums in this style I’ve heard in the last 10 years. And I don’t say this lightly. It’s got everything you would expect from the (sub)genre and then some. Yes, the influences are there, anywhere from IRON MAIDEN’s melodic guitar lines to WASP’s relentless energy, BLIND GUARDIAN’s epic choruses and then some amazing melodic yet aggressive vocals à la ICED EARTH. But SATAN’S FALL relies more on interesting songs, headbanging riffs and catchy vocal melodies (chain gang choruses included) than speed or technical proficiency, although the instrumentation is sharp and as far away from simple as it can get. The drums are amazingly well done. I really liked how Arttu Hankosaari highlights the most dense and heavy passages using the double kicks and gripping fills but then settles down on the basic grooves to let the songs breathe. Bassist Joni Petander is the key to the balance between the heavy hitting drums and the harmonic / melodic guitar work of Ville Koskinen and Tomi Mäenpää, who deliver a bewildering combination of palm muted riffs and astonishing leads, giving each song its own identity. And last, but not least and cementing the whole listening experience, Miika Kokko’s vocals, which playfully intertwine with the music. He can go from low and calm, almost baritone timbres to high pitched, raspy parts that fit seamlessly with the album. It is undeniable that “Destination Destruction” has a modern production. The guitars are sharp and bright, the bass is thick and present and the drums are on the brink of being too plastic (or “clicky”, as I like to call the drum sampling). But the performances and overall attitude helps a lot and makes this collection of songs feel like it’s the mid ’80s all over again. The mix is perfectly balanced with a really (really) loud master that (sadly) buries most of the dynamics. But let’s get back to my opening lines: “Destination Destruction” is simply a huge Heavy Metal album done the way it was supposed to be done. Just listen to ‘Kill The Machine’ and you’ll get exactly what I mean. Oh, by the way, I don’t have any info on the ‘Es Wird Viel Passieren’ cover, but it is a good song (it’s the title song from the horrible German TV series Marienhof – Frank). And sorry, but I skipped the Power Rangers cover. For me, it is just an annoying song. Support the band here: And get their album from the label here:

Alfonso Perez

Alfonso Perez

Related reviews / interviews:
SATAN'S FALL - Final Day (Randolph Whateley)

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