Compact Disc Version 1.0
(Bones Brigade Records)
Yes, we know there is life after BRUTAL TRUTH. Danny Lilker went down the slimy abyss of pure underground with bands like THE RAVENOUS and HEMLOCK, ex-singer Kevin Sharp tries to destroy the world with new formed VENOMOUS CONCEPT and drummer Rich Hoak reappeared with his wrecking crew TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION. I have to admit that I have heard the name of the band earlier but never followed their releases. Unfortunately I have no infosheet and the band’s website is one big "fuck off" when it comes to information concerning… well, basically everything, that I decided to take over that mentality and just concentrate on this release… The CD with the strange name and the cool cover-artwork (looks like some faked 60s CIA paintings on terrorism) is a compilation of three TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION demos and some live recordings with alltogether 40 (!) songs. First there is their first demo from 2000 with nine pretty crazy straight forward destructive Grindcore songs with a good production and NO drum triggers (ahh, good). All songs are mainly fast, no big groove parts here. What I personally enjoy very much are the weird twin vocals, crazy-screaming-hyperventilating-grunt-fuck-destroy-slobbering-vomitting out all hate-articulations. The second demo also from 2000 has some Black Metal influences (MARDUK) but still keeps the allover Grindcore feeling present – some songs even sound a bit like BRUTAL TRUTH. The third (unofficial) demo from 2001 is my favorite, because it is the most crazy one with a really dirty and charming underground sound and includes my favorite tracks ‘Madeleine Allbright Is Sexy’, ‘6,5 Billion Pieces Of Shit’ and ‘Fear Of A Black Metal Planet’. My other favorite track is ‘Goatloard 2001’ – a total ugly Free Jazz erruption that reminds me of godlike NAKED CITY. The eight live-songs have a shitty sound, but I don’t like live-recordings that much anyway. I chose to ingore them. But if you like total-dirty-underground-shit-give-the-finger-to-everyone-ass-kicking Grindcore with minor Black Metal influences and some AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED- and PIG DESTROYER-crazyness, just do what it says on the tray: obey and consume! http://welcome.to/totalfuckingdestruction, www.bonesbrigaderecords.com
Tim Klöcker