Kahleiden Kantaja
(Deformation Recordings)
VAINAJA (translates deceased in English) is a Finnish unholy trinity; a Doom / Death Metal band, consisting of Wilhem, Kristian and Aukusti Waenaa, i.e. the Preacher, Cantor and the Gravedigger. Ripping some of the text straight off from their info kit, "the story tells about these malicious characters inducing chaos among parishioners of the old Finnish körtti religion by forming their own evil cult with fanatic followers. After many colorful events of murder, sacrifice and conspiracy, the trio encountered their destiny by burning alive at the altar of their unholy church." So there, you really don’t need to know more about the concept behind VAINAJA – at least for now. VAINAJA has now, however, returned back from its cold and dark grave – and these 3 lads’ Black Metal infested Doom / Death Metal borrows a thing from here – and another from there. VAINAJA’s debut 2-song single, "Kahleiden Kantaja" ("Chain Bearer" in English) is quite clearly being influenced from some early 90s Doom and Death Metal bands. As for VAINAJA’s Doom Metal influences, the first 2 bands that came instantly to my mind, were NY’s WINTER as well as the Swedish Doom Metal legends CANDLEMASS – and what comes to those Death Metal portions in VAINAJA’s utterly crushing and murky sound, I would name ABHORRENCE without hesitations – due to all those crawling, ultra-heavy parts that they have absorbed into their sound. ‘Kahleiden Kantaja’ is the heavier and more Doom Metal-orientated number out of these 2 songs, truly throwing ruthlessly its listeners deep down into the pitch-black darkness – while ‘Risti Kädessäni’ (translates to ‘Cross In My Hand’ in English) is a way more varied – and more Death Metal type of song, with a twist of Black Metal (does this track remind slightly of AJATTARA; the already defunct Finnish Black Metal ac that used to be fronted by Ruoja aka Pasi Koskinen, ex – vocalist of AMORPHIS? Start listening from 0:37 minute mark). In any case, this single alone makes a great promise of VAINAJA’s forthcoming debut album, to be released later at the end of 2012. You don’t miss this opportunity to check ’em out, do you? http://vainaja.bandcamp.com, www.deformation-recordings.webs.com
Luxi Lahtinen