The Austere Perpetuity Of Nothingness
(BlackSeed Productions)
Black, depressive Metal from Spain. The band was formed back in 2006 and this is their second full length. Doomy, gloomy slow Metal of blackness, with more than a few touches of Post Rock can be found within. So, how it all comes in my ears? Well, interesting for a listen, but completely to be forgotten after a while. This depressive Black Metal style, has been already done and mastered by many other bands before like SHINING and MAKE A CHANGE…KILL YOURSELF, and although I am one of the first persons to credit music for changing states of mind and expressing emotions, I am not exactly moved or comfortable with this kind of desolate feeling the band creates. At least, in their style, they do perform in a competent way, they do have a good guitar sound and the vocals are not painfully high pitched as sounding like girl screams, so fans of the style will surely enjoy it. Although mostly this goes in a slow-mid tempo mood, there are a few bursts of speed here and there, which were the ones I do enjoyed a bit more. There is a NINE INCHES NAIL cover done in their style which also fits quite good in this album. www.blackseedprod.com
Julian “Shortest Doom” Nuñez