Mammons War
(I Hate Records)

What can we expect after a 13 years hiatus? Well, at least most of us would have said “hope they don’t fuck it up” right? COUNT RAVEN is back and I can safely say they still deliver the goods and what a way to do that in their new testament in the Doom pantheon! Ever since ‘The Poltergeist’ kicks in you get the feel this is going to be addictive as heroin to a junkie. This band has been always one of the very few BLACK SABBATH impersonators that are actually worth spending a penny for. It is really amusing to listen this new set of tracks and confirm their skill set to create one of the most enjoyable blend of wisely constructed Doom-meets-old fashioned Heavy Metal have not changed after all these years. Everything you knew them for in their earlier works is still latent now, reformulated, still defying and repackaged but all in all a welcomed addition to your collection. It is kind of non-sense to dive on a track by track examination because this is to be enjoyed in its entirety. So, get this, dim the lights, grab a drink and something to smoke (your choice! jejeje) and enjoy this brilliant album. Get it at:

Mario Cubero

Mario Cubero

Related reviews / interviews:
COUNT RAVEN - The Sixth Storm (Thomas Meyer)

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