Evil Reaping Death
(Memento Mori)
Oh wow, that opening! 10 seconds are sufficient to know, this isn’t the path of light. It’s a ‘Maze Of Torment’ and that is pretty much how I could define this entire album. Heavily inspired by MORBID ANGEL and the pathways of raw, in-your-face first wave of no holds barred Death Metal, HEXORCIST pays tribute to the all time greats with phenomenal song writing. The drumming is relentless and the guitars sound stellar. The solos are quick, dark and razor sharp, this is excellent Death Metal. The songs are short, the rhythm is varied and prominent, beautifully mixed in the spirit of early Death Metal, HEXORCIST’s demo is kick-ass. We needed this in 2021, with everything that’s going on. “Evil Reaping Death”, the first full length of this Miami based band, packs all the elements of an excellent Death Metal record and you need to check this right now. Wait, what’s that I hear? The original Death Metal police? Buzz off original Death Metal police, I love my Death Metal, the very one which HEXORCIST worships and writes. There are some forms of art that you just have to let be and this sound falls into that exact category. All you need to know is if it’s done well? In this instance, yes it’s been. Well, I haven’t got much more to put in words here, I’m going to listen to this album again and I recommend you do the same. I don’t know how Memento Mori does it, but they do it with class every bloody time! Category: Potential for regular rotation. For more information please visit: www.facebook.com/hexorcistband, www.facebook.com/memento.mori.label
Vamsi Kanagovi
• HEXORCIST - Bestiarum Vocabulum (Julián "Ritual Hex" Núñez)
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