Temples Of Torment
(Dark Essence Records)
I ordered the demons to attack! To consume the flesh of those unworthy. This is the sound of these four summoners of Black Metal from Hellas. They approach with the usual armory, yet at this time and age, are able to create a sound that makes their attack interesting. Some hints of early Sumerian demons like CELTIC FROST can be found, yet also the blood spilled by BATHORY comes clear as an influence, and yes, also early MAYHEM is to be found, specially in the guitar tone. The sound is powerful, with the battle guitar-swords sharpened as they are supposed to, and although it creates a clear sound, the rawness of this incantation remains intact. Their ways of decapitation comes in quite different speeds, really good in all of them, although at a mid-paced speed their sound shines more… yes, their music is like the attack of demons upon mankind… like the orders given by the dark generals to attack, destroy and erase the feeble… for these ears, only the battery of hell could have been recorded with better sound yet still maintaining the rawness of the invocations… and maybe, just maybe I can foresee this debilitating a bit after the sixth battle… they now tend to sound a bit repeating in circle the same invocations over and over… as my fave battle in here ‘Commence The Burning Of Heaven’… also noteworthy is the ‘Onslaught Command’… anyway, as far as traditional Black Metal, these 8 battles stand up proud and strong among the masses of weak magicians… let your ears experience the “Temples Of Torment”. www.darkessencerecords.no
Julián Núñez