Ritual Necromancy / Fossilization
(Everlasting Spew Records)
RITUAL NECROMANCY’s opener and their only track on this split, ‘Enter The Depths’ is a massive opener! Clocking at 15:29 the band brings their top game to this split. The first three minutes are simply filled with atmospheric heaviness with traces of vocals popping in now and then. This is an old school Death Metal ritual done right, the vocals sound like amalgamated evil, the riffs are heavy, tight and are judicious. Granted the rhythm section isn’t necessarily laying out brand new sections one after the other, but they sure know how to enhance the dark within their entire sound. This is a very straightforward approach to Death Metal and RITUAL NECROMANCY seems to be clearly focused on the writing, which distilled down into phenomenal delivery as well. The length of the song seems justified and the band put their unique touches all over. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed their side of the split and will perhaps get back to this now and then. This track is a through and through riff fest, put together well and done even better. I have to call out that this track has been produced phenomenally! Now moving on to FOSSILIZATION, they’ve contributed 2 tracks to this split. I wrote the review of their last release and I’m happy to report that their overall sound is an extension of what was on their last release “He Whose Name Was Long Forgotten”. The band even sounds more determined here on this split. While their last EP was hailed as a brilliant slab, I put it in the “fair and decent” segment mentally, however on this split they’ve tightened some screws around their sound and have put together a good interpretation of classic old school Death Metal sound. They sound primitive without the rough edges and have their layers woven around each other with relative ease. In all honesty this feels like a step forward for the band and I’m quite happy to listen to this. Calling out the drumming section for a phenomenal delivery on this split. I know this is the side project of the JUPITERIAN guys and they know what they’re doing. Get this split, it is a good slab of Death Metal that checks off the right boxes and will bring the old school joy into your lives! The split is just under 30 minutes long and makes for a perfect companion in the car. For more information please visit: www.facebook.com/ritualnecromancy, www.facebook.com/fossilization, www.facebook.com/everlastingspew
Vamsi Kanagovi
• RITUAL NECROMANCY - Oath Of The Abyss (Richard Osmond)
• FOSSILIZATION - He Whose Name Was Long Forgotten (Vamsi Kanagovi)