(Sol Records)
With “Eindringling”, Germany’s SHORES OF LADON showed us what three years of demos could prepare them for. Now, eight years later, the band steps forward with their second full-length “Witterung”, a nasty bit of work with an aggressiveness that somehow keeps the haunting atmospherics contained to create an overall panic attack of sheer mesmerization. ‘Abgrund’ doesn’t hesitate to grab hold of us and drag us screaming into its maw. The screeching vocals, malignant guitars and sweltering blastbeats all combine to create a Black Metal amalgamation of absolute chaos and angst. ‘Fliegengott’, with its swirling riffs has that classic sound as T.B’s vocals scream from the background void. Some bands get it. SHORES OF LADEN put a spiked boot down in our faces. This is what I need in life. And the tumult continues with ‘Am Baume’, a thundering, mid-tempo, solid track that simply delights in its simpleness. ‘Der Flammentanzer’ pummels us with its sheer might as ‘Sirenen Sang’ is a fucking glorious tribute to the waters of despair. ‘Denkmal’ blisters, peals and scrapes at our flesh with the energy of a writhing Kraken. The final track ‘Witterung’ is Black Metal at its finest. The guitars add a mysterious vibe as the drums pound with violent abandon. The wails of the master of vocals remind us the reason we love this genre in the first place. SHORES OF LADON are damn effective in their delivery. Not a less-than-excellent track on the album. I have a feeling once you find this (just look for the fucking outstanding cover to catch your attention), you’ll listen over and over until your ears bleed. For more information, check out https://shoresofladon.bandcamp.com, www.solrecords.de
David Simonton