For Maggots To Devour
(Karmageddon Media)
Although one can accuse the Finnish Death Metal heads TORTURE KILLER of being one of the most unoriginal bands in the world one has to admit they do a pretty good job! Groovy Death Metal in the vein of the first SIX FEET UNDER album or late OBITUARY mixed with the heaviness of BOLT THROWER has been certainly overdone, but in contrast to the mass of lame copies TORTURE KILLER ressurect the drive and morbidity the first SIX FEET UNDER certainly had very well. Since they do not forget about implementing a couple of speedy parts TORTURE KILLER evade the biggest problems of grooving Death Metal, which is that most of these bands make you nod your head, but not bang it. The production is alright, not too clean and with a nice bass, the vocals are low and deep growls that could have been a bit more intense and lack of an own identity but are still ok. Some riffs even sound stolen, like e.g. in the opener or the album’s hit ‘Fuck Them When They Bleed’, but I think that was done with intent, because TORTURE KILLER do not try to establish themselves by bragging about being the “new, big, innovative thing”, but honestly admit being total worshippers of the aforementioned bands – to be quite frank, something I can not understand, but people are different and so are tastes. So if you like grooving, powerful Death Metal and were disappointed by all that was released lately in this genre (I don’t have to get detailed on how shitty the newer SIX FEET UNDER CD’s are), give TORTURE KILLER a chance! Websites of interest in this case:,
Stefan Franke
• TORTURE KILLER - I Chose Death (Luxi Lahtinen)
• TORTURE KILLER - Sewers (Matthias Auch)