» News Archive October 2021
Seattle, Washington based Death / Grinders RAT KING will release a new EP entitled “Santa Hipocresía” on December 10, 2021 via Within The Mind Records on cassette and digitally. It will feature the following tracks: ‘Santa Hipocresía’, ‘Maldicio’N Del Alma’, ‘False Prophet’, ‘Morboso’ and ‘Killing Art’. A video for the album track ‘False Prophet’ is already available over here. For more RAT KING information please visit www.facebook.com/ratkingseattle
US Black Metallers NECROSOPHIK ABYSS have just released a guitar playthrough video for the ‘Left-Handed Reaper’ at this location. The track will appear on the band’s split-EP “HVHY” with CYFFROUS INDIGNUS, which will be released on October 31, 2021 via Reaping Scythe Records. The songs have been recorded at Shadow Temple and were mixed and mastered by Jacob St. Amand. You can stream them here and here. The front cover was created by Jerianne Fulton and Clay Price. More about both bands at www.facebook.com/necrosophikabyss and https://cyffrousindignus.bandcamp.com
“Wpiekłowstąpienie”, the second full length from Polish blackened Death Metallers SOTHORIS, will be released on January 06, 2022 on CD via More Hate Productions (Russia), Old Metal Rites (Brazil), Misantropia Records (Finland) and in the third quarter of 2022 via Entropy Records (Columbia). It was produced by Krzysztof Kostencki at Tetra Wave Studio and the cover artwork was created by Polish artist Bartosz Muszyński. The album will feature the following tracks: ‘Proroctwo’, ‘Potępieniec’, ‘Człowiek Z Marmuru’, ‘Przykazanie Śmierci’, ‘Opus Dei’, ‘W Cieniu Golgoty’, ‘Wpiekłowstąpienie’ and ‘Requiem Dla Hien’. You can already check out ‘Opus Dei’ at this location. For all further SOTHORIS information check out www.facebook.com/sothorisband
Australian Black Metallers KRVNA have just premiered the track ‘Timeless… Ageless’ over here. It will appear on the band’s upcoming debut album “Sempinfernus”, which will be released on November 26, 2021 via Seance Records. The previously revealed ‘From The Shades Of Hades’ can still be streamed at this location. The complete “Sempinfernus” tracklist reads like this: ‘From The Shades Of Hades…’, ‘…To The Targovistean Night’, ‘The Triumph Of The Flesh Over The Spirit’, ‘Timeless… Ageless’ and ‘The Eve Of Eternal Sunset’. All additional KRVNA info you will find at www.facebook.com/krvnaofficial
Reunited Swedish Black Metal trio RIMFROST has released a new single entitled ‘Killer Instinct’ over here. You can follow RIMFROST for regular updates at www.facebook.com/rimfrostofficial
“Candles”, the second album from Athens, Greece based Black Metallers DIABLERY, will be released via Saturnal Records on December 17, 2021 on CD format. It will feature the following tracks: ‘Three Torches Lit’, ‘Sanguine Emissions Of Aeonic Ecstasy’, ‘Spiral Ascension Of Becoming’, ‘The Star-Veiled Face’, ‘The Coming Fog’, ‘The Piercing Ice’, ‘Moonlit Dome Revealed’, ‘The Earth Covered My Face’ and ‘The Core that Burns Forever’. You can already stream ‘The Star-Veiled Face’ over here. An album trailer is available at this location. More about DIABLERY at www.diablery.gr
Netherlands based Black Speed Metal Punks DESTRUCTO have just premiered the track ‘Bloodthirst’ at this location. The track will appear on the band’s upcoming debut full length “Demonic Possession”, which will be released on November 19, 2021 via Dying Victims Productions. The previously revealed album tracks ‘Black Mark’ and ‘Lycanthro Kommando’ can still be streamed here and here. The full “Demonic Possession” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Succubus’, ‘Black Mark’, ‘In Service Of No One’, ‘Necromancy’, ‘Satans Hammer’, ‘Lycanthro Kommando’, ‘Total Death’, ‘I, Witchfukker’, ‘Bloodthirst’ and ‘Demonic Possession’. More DESTRUCTO info you will find at www.facebook.com/destructoblackthrash
“Vihavirsiä Aamunkoin”, the debut album from Finnish Black Metallers CORAXUL, will be released via Purity Through Fire on CD, A5 digipak, vinyl LP and cassette tape formats. The CD and tape versions will be released on December 12, 2021, while the vinyl will follow in summer 2022. The following tracks will be featured on it: ‘Kieltäkää Elämä’, ‘Juurenkaskeaja’, ‘Luonnollisesti Saatana’, ‘Marttyyrin Kruunajaiset’, ‘Mania’, ‘Maailmanvuohi’, ‘Sielun Molli’, ‘Vihavirsiä Aamunkoin’ and ‘Viimeiset Vainajaiset’. You can already listen to ‘Marttyyrin Kruunajaiset’ at this location. For all further information please visit www.purity-through-fire.com
Italy’s progressive Death Metallers SADIST have just finished the recordings of their ninth album “Firescorched”. The follow-up to 2018’s “Spellbound” will be released in 2022 via Agonia Records. The band’s guitarist / keyboard player Tommy Talamanca described the album as “probably the most extreme, fast and yet experimental album in SADIST’s career.” The cover artwork was created by Paolo Puppo. For regular updates please make sure to follow SADIST at www.facebook.com/sadstofficial
Seattle, Washington based progressive Death Metal quartet RHINE has just released a song from their upcoming third full-length “Ausland”. You can stream ‘Running Away’ at this location. The album will be released on November 12, 2021 via Within The Mind Records. A video for the album’s first single ‘Prisoner Of Fate’ can furthermore be watched over here. The complete tracklist of “Ausland” reads like this: ‘Prelude’, ‘Virtual Plague’, ‘Prisoner Of Fate’, ‘Running Away’, ‘Ausland’, ‘The Path To Power’, ‘Trivial’ and ‘Shadow Future’. More RHINE info is available at www.facebook.com/rhinemetal
Australian Black Metallers HUNTERS MOON have just premiered the track ‘Bridge Over Chaos’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s debut album “The Great Pandemonium”, which will be released on November 26, 2021 via Hells Headbangers on CD format. The vinyl LP version will follow next year. The cover artwork was created by Misanthropic-Art. The previously revealed album track ‘Hearse For A Barren Earth’ can still be streamed over here. The complete “The Great Pandemonium” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Torn By Talons’, ‘Storm Of Hail And Fire’, ‘Pilgrims Exile’, ‘Rebellion’, ‘Bridge Over Chaos’, ‘Drag Them To The Coffins’, ‘Red Death’ and ‘Hearse For A Barren Earth’. For more info please visit www.hellsheadbangers.com or www.facebook.com/hellsheadbangers
Italy based melodic Black Metal solo project HORN PROJECT has just released a lyric video for the track ‘Illusions Of Maya’ at this location. The song is taken from HORN PROJECT’s self-titled album, which was released via Planet K Records earlier this month. A full album stream is available over here. All further info you will find at www.facebook.com/horn-project-105957541587494
On December 12, 2021 Purity Through Fire will release “Hateworship”, the debut full length from Finnish Black Metallers KRIEGZEIT, on digipak CD format. The following tracks will appear on it: ‘Intro’, ‘The Cult Of Black Stone’, ‘For You The Son’, ‘Hymn For Hermit’, ‘Journey To The Next World’, ‘Souls For The Land’, ‘Hateworship’, ‘Bestial Oath’ and ‘Union Of Decay’. You can already check out ‘For You The Son’ over here. More information you will find at www.purity-through-fire.com
On October 31, 2021 Signal Rex will release a Black Metal split album between Portugal’s MINNESJORD and Poland’s TEUFELSBERG on vinyl LP format only. You can stream it in its entirety at this location now. More about both bands at https://minnesjord.bandcamp.com or https://teufelsbergbm.bandcamp.com
On December 12, 2021 Purity Through Fire will release “The Undoer’s Key”, the debut album from Finnish Black Metallers CAESTUS, on CD, A5 digipak and cassette tape formats. The vinyl edition will follow in summer 2022. Here’s the complete tracklist: ‘Reclamation’, ‘Ultimate Weapon’, ‘The Undoer’s Key’, ‘Burning Hope’, ‘Pariah’s Crown’, ‘Condescenders’, ‘Muinaisen Kunnian Taika’, ‘Dawn Of Reckoning’ and ‘Omnipotent Defect’. You can already listen to the title track ‘The Undoer’s Key’ at this location. For all further CAESTUS info please visit www.facebook.com/caestusbm
A full album stream of “Necronomicon”, the debut full length from Lima, Peru based Death Metallers EVIL DAMN, is available over here now. The album will be released on October 29, 2021 via Hells Headbangers on CD format. The vinyl edition will follow next year. More EVIL DAMN at https://evildamn.bandcamp.com
Minneapolis based Death Metal trio SUNLESS is streaming their upcoming sophomore album “Ylem” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 29, 2021 on CD, vinyl and digital formats via Willowtip Records. More band information is available at www.facebook.com/sunlessband
Bangkok, Thailand based Death Metallers SAVAGE DEITY have just premiered the track ‘Perish Mangda’ over here. The track will appear on the band’s third album “Decade Of Savagery”, which will be released on November 28, 2021 via Inhuman Assault Productions. The track features a guest guitar solo by Jason Gobel (ex – CYNIC, ex – MONSTROSITY). The previously revealed ‘Kill This Cult’ can still be checked out at this location. The complete “Decade Of Savagery” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Crucifather’, ‘Filthy Rotation’, ‘Obscure Fortune’, ‘Drenched In Blood’, ‘Christ Tension’, ‘Where God Belong’, ‘Kill This Cult’, ‘Skin The Saint’, ‘Perish Mangda’ and ‘Beneath The Sanctum’. For all further SAVAGE DEITY info please visit www.facebook.com/savagedeityofficial
Portuguese Black Metal duo MORTE INCANDESCENTE is streaming their upcoming fifth album “Vala Comum” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 31, 2021 via Signal Rex. More about MORTE INCANDESCENTE at www.facebook.com/morteincandescente
“Det Stora Tunga Sjuka”, the debut full length from Swedish Black Metal duo AVSKRÄDE, will be released via Purity Through Fire on CD, A5 digipak, vinyl LP and cassette tape formats. The CD and tape versions will be released on December 12, 2021, the vinyl edition will follow in summer 2022. The following tracks will appear on it: ‘Av Jord Är Du Kommen’, ‘Undergång’, ‘Åh, Du Ljuva Svarta Natt’, ‘När Stillheten Stundar’, ‘Aldrig Mer Skall Solen Bränna’, ‘Med Blodiga Vingar’, ‘Gravens Tomma Skönhet’, ‘Nattfärd’, ‘Begäret’, ‘I Den Eviga Månens Sken’ and ‘Jag Är Slute’. You can already stream ‘Åh, Du Ljuva Svarta Natt’ over here. All further AVSKRÄDE info you will find at www.facebook.com/avskräde-104491738421310
Québéc, Canada based Death Metallers OUTRE-TOMBE are streaming their upcoming third full length “Abysse Mortifère” in its entirety at this location now. The album will be released on October 31, 2021 via Temple Of Mystery Records. The cover artwork was created by Matt “Putrid” Carr. More about OUTRE-TOMBE at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063647946549
A full album stream of “Black Flame Dominion”, the debut full length from Greek Black Metallers CULT OF EIBON, is available over here now. It will be released on October 29, 2021 via Iron Bonehead Productions. For all additional CULT OF EIBON information please visit www.facebook.com/thecultofeibon
About two years ago, Italy’s F.O.A.D. Records released a limited vinyl edition (500 copies) of the classic NASTY SAVAGE demo “Wage Of Mayhem”, coupled with rare rehearsal and live tracks. Now “Wage Of Mayhem + Rarities (1983-1985)” is also available on CD via Nameless Grave Records. It comes with a a 12-page booklet and features the following tracks: ‘Unchained Angel’, ‘Savage Desire’, ‘Witches’ Sabbath’, ‘XXX’ (all from the “Wage Of Mayhem” 1984 demo), ‘Vigilante’ (live at Ruby’s Pub in Brandon, Florida, December 31, 1984), ‘Way Of The Warlock’, ‘Illusion’, ‘Nasty Savage’, ‘High School Lover’ (all from a 1984 rehearsal), ‘Unchained Angel’ and ‘Savage Desire’ (live at CBGB’s, New York City, New York, November 27, 1985). You can stream the tracks at https://wageofmayhem.bandcamp.com. For ordering details check out www.namelessgraverecords.com
Germany / Bangladesh based old school Death Metallers KHNVM have just revealed a first track from their upcoming new full-length “Portals To Oblivion”, which will be released via Neckbreaker Records on December 17, 2021. You can check out a video for ‘Heretic Ascension’ at this location. The complete tracklist of the album reads as follows: ‘Ethos Of The Otherly World’, ‘Portals To Oblivion’, ‘Heretic Ascension’, ‘Drink From The Chalice Of Suffering’, ‘Baptized By The Father Befouled’, ‘No Solace’ and ‘Spectral Chaos’. The artwork was created by Khaos Diktator Design. More band info you will find at www.facebook.com/khnvm666
“Non Omnis Moriar”, the third album from German Black Metal one man band MAVORIM, will be released via Purity Through Fire on CD, A5 digipak, vinyl LP and cassette tape formats. The CD and tape versions will be released on December 12, 2021, the vinyl edition will follow in summer 2022. The following tracks will appear on “Non Omnis Moriar”: ‘Prolog’, ‘Unendlich Ist Ihr Krieg’, ‘Eisenadler’, ‘So Hell Wie Ein Stern’, ‘Elfenblut’, ‘Engel, Ich Komme Zurück’, ‘Die Welt Erstickt’, ‘Im Kampf’, ‘Ich Klage Euch An’ and ‘Epilog’. You can already stream ‘Im Kampf’ over here. For all further MAVORIM info please visit www.facebook.com/mavorim
Uppsala, Sweden based REVEAL! have just premiered the track ‘Cokkkfights’ over here. It will appear on the band’s fourth album “Doppelherz”, which will be released on December 10, 2021 via Sepulchral Voice Records. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Cocoon (Bitch Regalia)’, ‘Inshallah’, ‘Cokkkfights’, ‘Angel’s Bend’, ‘Clearly, God Damn’, ‘Stalactites (When Cast Down the Mountain)’, ‘Mal Aria’, ‘Bags Of Shine’, ‘Some Marionettes, Some Kites (A Few Knives)’ and ‘Doppelherz’. All further band info you will find at www.facebook.com/revealswe
“Foundation”, the new EP from Spanish blackened technical Death Metallers THIRTEEN BLED PROMISES, has just been released via Lacerated Enemy Records on vinyl, CD, and digital formats. A full EP stream is available at this location. More about THIRTEEN BLED PROMISES at www.facebook.com/thirteenbp
Finnish melodic Death Metallers RE-ARMED will release a 20th Anniversary EP entitled “XX” on January 27, 2022 via Inverse Records. You can already stream the EP’s first single ‘As The Stars Align’ over here. For regular updates make sure to follow RE-ARMED at www.facebook.com/rearmed
German Death Metal duo REAWACAN will release their new digital EP “Pandemic Coverage & Old Schooling” on October 23, 2021. A lyric video for the song ‘Sad Serenade’, featuring footage broadcasted during the lockdown period, can be watched at this location. More info you will find at www.facebook.com/reawacandeath
Norwegian extreme Metal act SARKE (featuring DARKTHRONE’s Nocturno Culto) has just released ‘Grim Awakening’ as the third and final single from their upcoming seventh album “Allsighr”. You can check it out at this location. The previously released singles ‘Bleak Reflections’ and ‘Beheading Of The Circus Director’ can still be streamed here and here. The album will be released via Soulseller Records on November 05, 2021. It was recorded by Børge Finstad and Kevin Kleiven at Top Room Studios, mixed by Lars Erik Westby at H-10 productions and mastered by Thomas Eberger at Stockholm Mastering. The artwork was created by Kjell Åge Meland. For all additional SARKE information please visit www.facebook.com/sarkeofficial
On December 10, 2021 Chaos Records will release the self-titled debut album of American RÖKKR on CD format. The band features Kyle House (DECREPISY, SERPENTS OF DAWN, ACEPHALIX, VASTUM, NECROT) and Adam Perry (VASTUM). The mixing and mastering was handled by Greg Wilkinson of Earhammer Studio. You can already listen to the track ‘Oath Of Blood’ over here. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Ravens Wing’, ‘Oath Of Blood’, ‘Blackest Dawn’, ‘Into The Ice’ and ‘Winter’. For all additional information please visit www.chaos-records.com or www.facebook.com/chaosrecords
Hells Headbangers have signed Australian Black Metallers SOLIPSISM for the CD and vinyl release of the band’s debut full length “Cruelty & Necrospection”. The album was previously only available digitally. The cassette version will be handled by The Seer’s Atrocity Altar label. A full “Cruelty & Necrospection” stream is already available at this location https://solipsismbm.bandcamp.com
Polish Death / Thrashers SEXMAG are streaming their debut mini album “Sex Metal” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 22, 2021 via Dying Victims Productions. More information you will find at www.dying-victims.de or www.facebook.com/dyingvictimsproductions
On November 26, 2021 Osmose Productions will release “Occult Sins, New Unholy Dimension”, the second album from French Black Metallers MORGUILIATH, on CD format. The vinyl LP version will follow later. The following tracks will appear on it: ‘Occult Sins, New Unholy Dimension’, ‘Pass Away’, ‘Black Pearl’, ‘Ad Mortem Festinamus’, ‘Aborted Inquisition’, ‘Venom And Vomit’, ‘Gloria’ and ‘Ghouls Sphere’. For all additional MORGUILIATH info, check out www.facebook.com/morguiliath
On October 31, 2021 Reaping Scythe Records will release “HVHY”, a 2-track split EP from US Black Metallers CYFFROUS INDIGNUS and NECROSOPHIK ABYSS. It will be available on cassette and digitally. CYFFROUS INDIGNUS will be featured with ‘Iniquitous Social Order’, while NECROSOPHIK ABYSS contribute the track ‘Left Handed Reaper’. Both songs have been recorded at Shadow Temple and were mixed and mastered by Jacob St. Amand. The cover artwork was created by Jerianne Fulton and Clay Price. More about both bands at https://cyffrousindignus.bandcamp.com or www.facebook.com/necrosophikabyss
Berlin, Germany based progressive brutal Death Metallers DEFEATED SANITY have just announced a US tour in February / March 2022. The band issued the following statement about the upcoming tour: “For our first post-lockdown tour dates, we present you with “The Sanguinary Impetus Tour USA 2022″! We invite all of you to bring back the brutality with us and our special guests, who we will start announcing mid-November. So scribble those dates into your calendars and stay tuned for further news!” DEFEATED SANITY will be touring in support of their latest album “The Sanguinary Impetus”, which was released in 2020 via Willowtip Records. For more info and regular updates please visit www.facebook.com/defeatedsanity
On November 19, 2021 Horror Pain Gore Death Productions will release “Doctor’s Orders: Do Not Touch!”, the new album from Lithuanian grinding Death / Doom Metallers STRANGULIATORIUS on CD and digital formats. You can already check out the album track ‘Maggots Are Coming’ over here. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Creator’s Charms’, ‘Hand Of Death’, ‘The Plans Of The Madmen’, ‘What’s In The Bag?’, ‘Maggots Are Coming’, ‘Drunk Behind My Wheel’, ‘Doctor’s Orders: Do Not Touch!’, ‘Fisherman’ and ‘Abyss’. All additional STRANGULIATORIUS information you will find at www.facebook.com/stranguliatoriusband
French Death Metallers AUTOKRATOR have just premiered the song ‘DCLXVI’ at this location. The band’s guitarist / bassist Loïc Fontaine explains: “The song ‘DCLXVI’ is about Roman Emperor Domitian and his persecution of Christians, and the lyrics of this song are from Bible Revelation 8:7 and 13:1. In Roman numerals, DCLXVI represents 666.” The track will appear on the upcoming fourth AUTOKRATOR full length “Persecution”, which will be released via Krucyator Productions on CD, vinyl and digital formats on November 05, 2021. The previously revealed ‘The Great Persecution’ is still available over here. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Loïc Fontaine at Krucyator Studio, the vocals were recorded by David Bailey and the drums recorded by Kevin Paradis. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘De Gloria Martyrum Et Confessorum’, ‘The Great Persecution’, ‘DCLXVI’, ‘Antechristus’, ‘Caesar Nerva Traianus’ and ‘Apocalypsis’. The artwork was created by Nestor Avalos. “Persecution” features Kevin Paradis (BENIGHTED, MITHRIDATIC) on drums, who already played on AUTOKRATOR’s last album “Hammer Of The Heretics” as a session drummer. More about AUTOKRATOR at www.facebook.com/autokratormetal
Norway’s GAAHLS WYRD have just released a song from their upcoming 5-track EP “The Humming Mountain”. You can stream ‘The Seed’ over here. The EP’s full tracklist reads like this: ‘The Seed’, ‘The Humming Mountain’, ‘The Dwell’, ‘Awakening Remains – Before Leaving’ and ‘The Sleep’. “The Humming Mountain” will be released via Season Of Mist on November 05, 2021. More about GAAHLS WYRD at www.facebook.com/gaahlswyrd
Australia’s blackened Doom Metallers TYRANNIC have just premiered the track ‘Singe Of Orgiastic Waste’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s upcoming second full length “Mortuus Decadence”, which will be released on November 19, 2021 via Iron Bonehead Productions (vinyl LP version) and Seance Records (CD version). The previously revealed title track ‘Mortuus Decadence’ can still be streamed over here. “Mortuus Decadence” will feature the following tracks: ‘Mortuus Decadence’, ‘Singe Of Orgiastic Waste’, ‘Tormented By Deathly Cataract’, ‘Night Plague Manifest’, ‘Osmos Burial’ and ‘Introduction’. For all additional TYRANNIC information please visit www.facebook.com/tyrannic-413672648839389
A full stream of “Intermezzo Dei Quattro Coltelli Nudi”, the upcoming new EP from Austria’s Black / Heavy Metal duo HEXENBRETT, is available at this location now. It will be released on October 22, 2021 via Dying Victims Productions. More HEXENBRETT at https://hexenbrett.bandcamp.com
Chaos Records and Triangle Circle Records have just co-released “Adrift In Grief”, the debut full length from San Diego, California based experimental Doom / Deathers TIDELESS, on CD format. It features the following tracks: ‘The Disease That Is Time’, ‘Cascading Flesh’, ‘Vast And Empty’, ‘Darkness In The Light’ and ‘Twilight Luminescence’. For all further TIDELESS information please visit www.facebook.com/tidelessdoom
German Speed Metal Punks KNIFE are streaming their self-titled debut full length in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 22, 2021 via Dying Victims Productions. More about KNIFE at www.knifeofficial.de
Italian Death Metal quartet SPIRITUAL DECEPTION has just released a guitar playthrough video for ‘Serpent’s Speech’ over here. The track is taken from the band’s new EP “Oxymoron”, which was released on October 08, 2021. It was recorded, mixed and mastered by Andrea Oriani at Blue House Studio. A full EP stream is available at this location. All further SPIRITUAL DECEPTION info you will find at www.facebook.com/spiritualdeception
Tucson, Arizona based Death Metallers EXSUL are currently streaming their second EP “Allegoresis” in its entirety at this location. It will be released on October 22, 2021 via Caligari Records on CD and cassette tape formats. You can follow EXSUL at www.facebook.com/exsuldeath
Italian Black / Deathers UNCTORIS have just premiered the track ‘Cercherò Il Passaggio Di Ritorno O Sarò Cancellato’ over here. It will appear on the band’s upcoming debut full length “Shout Demise”, which will be released on November 19, 2021 via Iron Bonehead Productions. The previously revealed ‘Come Stabilire Se Ci Sei Ancora’ can still be streamed at this location. The complete “Shout Demise” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Come Stabilire Se Ci Sei Ancora’, ‘Cercherò Il Passaggio Di Ritorno O Sarò Cancellato’, ‘Violet Velvet’, ‘Non Tornare’, ‘Rites Of Grey Isolation’, ‘Sideral Sojourn’ and ‘Is An Anechoic Chamber’. More UNCTORIS info you will find at www.facebook.com/unctoris
Polish Black Metallers DEMONIC TEMPLE have just premiered the title track of their upcoming third full length “Through The Stars Into The Abyss” at this location. The album will be released on November 11, 2021 via Putrid Cult in co-operation with Dark Horizon. The previously revealed ‘Night Of Everlasting Fire’ can still be streamed over here. The complete “Through The Stars Into The Abyss” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Nox / Intro’, ‘Through The Stars Into The Abyss’, ‘Night Of Everlasting Fire’, ‘Secret Temple Of Invisible Light’ and ‘Proclaiming The Truth Of The Other Side’. For more information please visit www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100029411273716
Brazilian Black Metal trio LE CHANT NOIR are streaming their second album “La Société Satanique Des Poètes Morts” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 22, 2021 via Personal Records on CD format. Digital distribution will be handled by Blood Blast. All additional band info you will find at www.facebook.com/lechantnoirofficial
Swedish Black / Deathers IN APHELION have just premiered a video for ‘Luciferian Age’ over here. The song will appear on the band’s debut EP “Luciferian Age”, which will be released on November 05, 2021 via Edged Circle Productions on CD format. The 12″ vinyl version will follow in February 2022. It was mixed and mastered by UNLEASHED’s Frederik Folkare. A lyric video for the previously revealed EP track ‘Draugr’ can still be checked out at this location. All further IN APHELION information are available at www.facebook.com/inaphelion
Brazilian Death Metallers NERVOCHAOS have just released a new single entitled ‘I Hate Your God’. It will be featured on the band’s upcoming 25th anniversary album “Dug Up (Diabolical Reincarnations)”, which will be released on November 19, 2021 via XenoKorp. You can check out the track (plus two more) here. More about NERVOCHAOS at www.facebook.com/nervochaos
German Black Metallers DAUÞUZ have just premiered the track ‘Der Bergschmied IV: Zauberwerk’ over here. It is taken from the band’s upcoming fourth album “Vom Schwarzen Schmied”, which will be released on November 12, 2021 via Amor Fati Productions. The previously revealed ‘Der Bergschmied II: Der Eid’ can still be checked out at this location. More DAUÞUZ info is available at www.facebook.com/dauthuzbm
Danish Death Metallers PHRENELITH have just revealed the track ‘Awakening Titans’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s upcoming second album “Chimaera”, which will be released on December 10, 2021 via Nuclear Winter Records on CD and cassette tape formats. The vinyl LP version will follow next year. “Chimaera” was recorded in Denmark’s Studio Ballade and mixed and mastered by Greg Wilkinson. The cover artwork was created by Timo Ketola. For all additional PHRENELITH information please visit www.facebook.com/phrenelith
A full album stream of “Devouring Darkness”, the debut full length from international sci-fi themed Black / Death Metal trio ZETAR, is available at this location now. The cover artwork was created by Bruce Pennington. The album will be released via Spirit Coffin Publishing today. For all additional ZETAR information please visit www.facebook.com/lightsofzetar
UK’s melodic Death Metal four-piece BEYOND YOUR DESIGN has just released two videos. One is a cover version of the BLACK VEIL BRIDES track ‘Fallen Angels’, while the other is an orchestral version of ‘Need You Now’. You can watch the videos here and here. More about BEYOND YOUR DESIGN at www.facebook.com/bydbanduk
Hells Headbangers have signed US Death Metal three-piece MALEFIC THRONE for the release of the band’s debut EP “Malefic Throne”, which will be released next year on CD, 12″ vinyl and cassette tape formats. A first track, ‘Deciding The Hierarchy’, can already be streamed over here. MALEFIC THRONE consists of guitarist Gene Palubicki (PERDITION TEMPLE, ANGELCORPSE, BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY), vocalist / bassist Steve Tucker (MORBID ANGEL, WARFATHER) and drummer John Longstreth (ORIGIN, HATE ETERNAL, ex – ANGELCORPSE). Palubicki explained the genesis of the band as follows: “MALEFIC THRONE was conceived over conversations and shared ideas among the three of us since around summer of 2020, deep in the early pandemic upheaval, while everyone was – and has been – in limbo for live shows / tours etc. We hit on the idea of just going for it, writing some furious Death Metal material with the three of us, and seeing what would happen. Given who the band members are, it is surely clear the nature of what this is all about. We originally considered just doing an independently released demo, but we approached Hells Headbangers to see if they were interested in handling the debut EP release. They agreed, and onward it goes!” For regular updates make sure to follow MALEFIC THRONE at www.facebook.com/maleficthrone
On November 05, 2021 Austrian Black Metallers ANOMALIE will release their fourth album “Tranceformation” via AOP Records. It was mixed and mastered at Woodshed Studios by V. Santura. The album track ‘Cerulean Sun’ (featuring guest vocals by ROTTING CHRIST’s Sakis Tolis and a violin part from Sara Wolske) can already be checked out at this location. The first single ‘Trance II – Relics’ (featuring ENTHRONED’s vocalist Nornagest) can still be streamed over here. All additional information you will find at www.facebook.com/the.anomalie.experience
Vancouver, Canada based progressive Black Metal trio CRYSTAL COFFIN is streaming their upcoming second album “The Starway Eternal” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 15, 2021 via A Beast In The Field. The cover artwork was created by the band’s guitarist and synthesizer player Lenkyn Ostapovich. More about CRYSTAL COFFIN at www.facebook.com/crystal-coffin-2228111600765172
On December 17, 2021 Blood Harvest Records will release “Explosions”, the debut EP from Portuguese Death Metallers PHENOCRYST, on CD and cassette tape formats. The 12″ vinyl version will follow next year. The cover artwork was created by Belial NecroArts and the complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Fumarole Emanations’, ‘Phreatic Explosions’, ‘Pyroclastic Flows’, ‘Craters’ and ‘Igneous Fluids’. You can already listen to ‘Pyroclastic Flows’ over here. More PHENOCRYST info you will find at www.facebook.com/phenocryst
Geoff Coran of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada based one man Black Metal band PRIMORDIAL SERPENT has just released his fourth full length “Under The Sign Of The Bloodmoon”. It was recorded, mixed and mastered by Geoff Coran himself and the atwork was created by Monorthern. A full album stream is available at this location. More about PRIMORDIAL SERPENT at www.facebook.com/primordialserpentblackmetal
Canadian Black Metal duo SORGUINAZIA is streaming their upcoming debut album “Negation Of Delirium” in its entirety over here now. It will be released on October 15, 2021 via Iron Bonehead Productions. For all additional info check out www.facebook.com/sorguinazia-221491211693817
French Black Metallers DIABLATION have just premiered the track ‘Ego Daemonium’ at this location. It will appear on the bands debut full length “Allégeance”, which will be released on December 06, 2021 via Antiq. The album was recorded in April 2021, mixed by V. Orias A. and mastered by Stefan Traunmüller at SoundTemple Studio. The cover artwork was created by Tancrede Szekely. The previously revealed album track ‘Aigle Du Mal, Aigle De Sang’ can still be streamed over here. All additional DIABLATION information you will find at www.facebook.com/diablation
Swedish old school Death Metallers UNDER THE CHURCH will release a new EP entitled “Total Burial” on December 03, 2021 via Pulverised Records on CD, tape and digitally. The vinyl edition will be released at a later date in 2022. The EP will feature the following tracks: ‘Day Of Reckoning’, ‘Spit On Your Grave’, ‘Total Burial’, ‘Depraved Vocation’ and ‘Just Another Death’. The cover artwork was once again created by Swedish illustrator Mattias Frisk (GHOST, VANHELGD, TRAP THEM, NIGHT) and the mixing and mastering was handled by Robert Pehrsson at Studio Humbucker. You can already check out the EP opener ‘Day Of Reckoning’ at this location. More UNDER THE CHURCH info you will find at www.facebook.com/underthechurch
San Diego, California based Death Metallers CONJURETH have just premiered the track ‘An Occult Mosaic’ over here. It will appear on the band’s upcoming debut full length “Majestic Dissolve”, which will be released on October 25, 2021 via Memento Mori (CD version) and Rotted Life (vinyl and cassette versions). The previously revealed ‘The Silent Hangings’ can still be streamed at this location, while ‘Wet Flesh Vortex’ is still available over here. The album’s complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Wet Flesh Vortex’, ‘Possession Psychosis’, ‘Resintegrate’, ‘A Terror Sacrifice’, ‘Mutilated Spirits’, ‘Black Fire Confessions’, ‘The Silent Hangings’, ‘Sorcery Arts’, ‘An Occult Mosaic’ and ‘The Unworshipped’. “Majestic Dissolve” was mixed and mastered by Javier Felez at Moontower Studios and the cover art was created by Erskine Designs. For all further CONJURETH information please visit www.facebook.com/conjureth
Italian Black Metal trio ORGREL is streaming their upcoming debut album “Red Dragon’s Invocation” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 15, 2021 via Iron Bonehead Productions. The cover artwork was created by Luciana Nedelea. More information at www.facebook.com/ironboneheadproductions
“A Slow Apocalypse”, the 2004 demo from Italian Black Metallers LAETITIA IN HOLOCAUST, will be re-released as a digipak CD, strictly limited to 50 copies, via The Fog Foundation on October 15, 2021. You can pre order your copy here. All additional LAETITIA IN HOLOCAUST information you will find at www.facebook.com/laetitia-in-holocaust-105378014231474
New York / Dallas, Texas based progressive melodic Death Metal trio DIATHEKE has just released a self-titled compilation EP on CD and digital via The Charon Collective. It features the following tracks: ‘Splendour’, ‘Bereavement’, ‘Magnify’ and ‘Day And Night’. For all further DIATHEKE information please visit www.facebook.com/diathekemusic
Hungarian Death Metallers ROTHADÁS are streaming their upcoming debut album “Kopár Hant… Az Alvilág Felé” in its entirety at this location now. It will be released on October 12, 2021 via Me Saco Un Ojo Records on vinyl LP format. More ROTHADÁS at https://rothadasdeathdoom.bandcamp.com
German Black Metallers SERVANT have signed with Black Sunset / MDD for the release of their debut full length “Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars”, which will be released on November 26, 2021. More about SERVANT at www.facebook.com/servantmagick
Kraków, Poland based DISHELL have been signed by Selfmadegod Records. The band’s second full length “Teutonic Beat” will be released in late November 2021. For additional information and regular updates follow DISHELL at www.facebook.com/dishell666
On December 17, 2021 Blood Harvest Records will release “Abatement Of The Sun”, the debut full length from Adelaide, Australia based blackened Doom / Deathers CHARNEL ALTAR, on CD and cassette tape formats. The vinyl LP edition will follow next year. The album track ‘Vexation Of Sorrow’ can already be streamed at this location. The complete “Abatement Of The Sun” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Grave Totem’, ‘Vexation Of Sorrow’, ‘Slaughter’, ‘Wormworld’, ‘Malefic Blessings’ and ‘Metempsychosis’. All further CHARNEL ALTAR info you will find at www.facebook.com/charnelaltar
Italy based melodic Black Metal solo project HORN PROJECT will release its debut album “Illusions Of Maya” tomorrow, October 09, 2021 via Planet K Records. The album was recorded in early 2021 and mastered by Hannes Grossmann (Mordor Sound Studios). The artwork was created by Elmar Schölzhorn. The following tracks will appear on “Illusions Of Maya”: ‘Child’, ‘Illusions Of Maya’, ‘Kali’, ‘Painbody’, ‘Multidimensional Experience’, ‘Mother Nature’ and ‘Silence’. More info you will find at www.facebook.com/horn-project-105957541587494
On November 26, 2021 Hells Headbangers will release “The Great Pandemonium”, the debut album from Australian Black Metallers HUNTERS MOON, on CD format. The vinyl LP version will follow next year. The cover artwork was supplied by Misanthropic-Art. The album closer ‘Hearse For A Barren Earth’ can already be streamed over here. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Torn By Talons’, ‘Storm Of Hail And Fire’, ‘Pilgrims Exile’, ‘Rebellion’, ‘Bridge Over Chaos’, ‘Drag Them To The Coffins’, ‘Red Death’ and ‘Hearse For A Barren Earth’. For more information and preorder details please visit www.hellsheadbangers.com or www.facebook.com/hellsheadbangers
Finnish progressive Death Metallers BENOTHING will release their debut EP “Temporal Bliss Surrealms” via Everlasting Spew Records on November 26, 2021 on CD, tape and digitally. The vinyl edition will follow in 2022. You can already check out the opening track ‘State Of Surreal Bliss’ at this location. More band information you will find at www.facebook.com/benothingdeath
Italian Doom / Deathers BURIAL are streaming the titletrack of their debut album “Inner Gateways To The Slumbering Equilibrium At The Center Of Cosmo!” at this location now. The album will be released on October 29, 2021 via Everlasting Spew Records on CD and digitally. The vinyl edition will follow in 2022. You can follow BURIAL at www.facebook.com/burialdeath
Australian Death Metallers ALTARS have inked a deal with Everlasting Spew Records for the release of the band’s sophomore album. Brendan Sloan (CONVULSING) is taking over bass and vocals and joins Alan Cadman on drums and Lewis Fischer on guitar, who in recent years have contributed to releases by bands such as STARGAZER and IGNIVOMOUS. The band is expecting to enter the studio later this year to record the follow-up to “Paramnesia” from 2013. More about ALTARS at www.facebook.com/altarsdeath
On December 10, 2021 Nuclear Winter Records will release “Chimaera”, the second full length from Copenhagen, Denmark based Death Metallers PHRENELITH, on CD and cassette tape formats. The vinyl LP edition will follow next year. The album was recorded in Denmark’s Studio Ballade and the mixing and mastering was handled by Greg Wilkinson. The cover artwork was created by Timo Ketola. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Awakening Titans’, ‘Chimaerian Offspring – Part I’, ‘Phlegethon’, ‘Gorgonhead’, ‘Kykytos’, ‘Χίμαιρα ‘ and ‘Chimaerian Offspring – Part II’. More PHRENELITH information you will find at www.facebook.com/phrenelith
Reunited US Thrashers MANTIC RITUAL have just released a new single entitled ‘Crusader’. You can check it out over here. The band’s current line-up features original members Dan Wetmore (vocals / guitars), Jeff Potts (guitars) and Ben Mottsman (bass) alongside new drummer Carlos Cruz (WARBRINGER, EXMORTUS, POWER TRIP). A limited edition (300 copies) vinyl 7″ EP with ‘Crusader’ as the A-side and a cover of the MERCYFUL FATE classic ‘Black Funeral’ on the flipside will be released in early 2022. More about MANTIC RITUAL at www.facebook.com/manticritual
On November 12, 2021 German Death Metallers MINENFELD will release their new EP “Night Raid” on tape and 12″ vinyl. You can already check out the title track at this location. The material was recorded at the Eastern Bunker, engineered by Henner Rekorder and mastered by Role at Tonmeisterei. The cover art was contributed by Jan Buragay. It will be available on limited black and white vinyl editions (150 copies each) and 100 tapes. For more details please visit www.lycanthropic.de. All additional MINENFELD information you will find at www.minenfeld.com or https://minenfeld.bandcamp.com
Albuquerque, New Mexico based Death / Black / Thrash Metallers FEED THE CORPSES TO THE PIGS have just released a new single entitled ‘I Drink Myself To Death’ over here. The track will appear on the band’s upcoming debut full length “This Insidious Horror”, which will be released on October 15, 2021 via Horror Pain Gore Death Productions. The official video for ‘Ghost Of Winter’ (featuring Rick Rozz from DEATH / MASSACRE) is still available at this location. For all further information please visit www.facebook.com/feedthecorpsestothepigs
German Death Metal duo REAWACAN has just revealed a track from their upcoming EP “Pandemic Coverage & Old Schooling”. You can check out ‘Into Proliferation’ at this location now. The EP will be released on October 23, 2021. It features two new tracks and two cover songs of MOTÖRHEAD and CELTIC FROST. More about REAWACAN at www.facebook.com/reawacandeath
Spanish Death Metallers DEIMLER have just released a video for ‘A Thousand Suns’ over here. It is the title track of their first album, which will be released on October 19, 2021 via Xtreem Music on CD, 12″ LP, cassette and digitally. All further DEIMLER information you will find at www.facebook.com/deimlerdeathmetal
Italian progressive Death Metallers SADIST have signed a record deal with Agonia Records. The band’s nineth studio album “Firescorched” is currently a work in progress and expected to be released in 2022. For regular updates make sure to follow SADIST at www.facebook.com/sadstofficial
Los Angeles, California based progressive Death Metal duo DELPHIAN has just released a lyric video for ‘A Suicide Speech To Persuade’ at this location. The track will appear on the band’s upcoming debut full length “Somnambulant Foregoer”, which will be released on November 12, 2021. A lyric video for the album’s first single, ‘Drip Me Toward The Ground’, is still available over here. The following tracks will appear on “Somnambulant Foregoer”: ‘A Suicide Speech To Persuade’, ‘Devout Magisterial Form’, ‘Drip Me Toward The Ground’, ‘Speaking With the Shadows’, ‘How I Long For The Oort Cloud’, ‘Somnambulant Foregoer’, ‘Meanwhile, More Polemics With Kurt Gurkillis And Scud Moothers’, ‘Idolatry’ and ‘Dimensions Disassociated’. The cover art was created by Travis Smith. All additional DELPHIAN info you will find at www.facebook.com/delphianmetal
Swedish Black / Death Metallers IN APHELION have just premiered the track ‘Draugr’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s upcoming debut EP “Luciferian Age”, which will be released on November 05, 2021 via Edged Circle Productions on CD format. The 12″ vinyl version will follow in February 2022. The previously revealed teaser video for “Luciferian Age” can still be checked out over here. More IN APHELION info you will find at www.facebook.com/inaphelion
Seattle, Washington based progressive Death Metal quartet RHINE will release their third full-length “Ausland” on November 12, 2021 via Within The Mind Records. A video for ‘Prisoner Of Fate’ is already available at this location. The complete tracklist reads like this: ‘Prelude’, ‘Virtual Plague’, ‘Prisoner Of Fate’, ‘Running Away’, ‘Ausland’, ‘The Path To Power’, ‘Trivial’ and ‘Shadow Future’. The cover artwork was created by Jill Colbert. For all further information please visit www.facebook.com/rhinemetal
On October 08, 2021 Selfmadegod Records will release “Into The Rotpit”, the debut demo from Swedish / German Death Metallers ROTPIT, on cassette. It features the three tracks ‘Darkened’, ‘Into The Rotpit’ and ‘Aeon Black’. The material was mixed and mastered at Unbound Studious (WOMBBATH, FLESHCRAWL, SENTIENT HORROR) and the artwork was created by Finnish artist T. Kannibalet Hietomma Art (Rotting Ways Of Misery bookcover, CADAVERIC INCUBATOR, ABHORRENCE, FUNEBRE). The demo opener ‘Darkened’ is available for streaming at this location. ROTPIT was founded in late 2020 by Jonny (WOMBBATH / MASSACRE / BERZERKER LEGION) on guitars / bass and Ralf (HEADS FOR THE DEAD / REVEL IN FLESH) on vocals. After a demo pre – production Henrik (REVEL IN FLESH) joined ROTPIT on drums. The band’s major inspiration comes from early 90s Finnish Death Metal acts like DEMIGOD, ABHORRENCE (early AMORPHIS), DEPRAVITY, early SENTENCED mixed with British and American elements. For more ROTPIT information check out www.facebook.com/rotpit666
“Tomb Emanations”, a new 7″ EP from Portuguese Black Metallers BLACK CILICE, will be released via Iron Bonehead Productions on December 10, 2021. It will feature the two brand new tracks ‘Returning From Dimensions Below’ and ‘Vigil Of Ruins’. You can already stream ‘Returning From Dimensions Below’ over here. For more information and pre-order details please visit www.facebook.com/ironboneheadproductions
Swedish Funeral Doom Metallers DEBER have just premiered the track ‘Decay’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s upcoming debut album “Aspire To Affliction”, which will be released on November 05, 2021 via Personal Records. The previously revealed ‘Soulblind’ can still be streamed over here. The complete “Aspire To Affliction” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Aspire To Affliction’, ‘Pestilence’, ‘Decay’, ‘Soulbind’ and ‘Deber’. For all additional info please check out www.personal-records.com or www.facebook.com/personalrecords666
Washington, D.C. based Death Metal four-piece GENOCIDE PACT will release their third, self-titled album on December 03, 2021 via Relapse Records on CD, LP and digitally. It will feature the following tracks: ‘Led To Extinction’, ‘Perverse Dominion’, ‘Fossilized Future’, ‘Mutilated Vision’, ‘Deprive / Degrade’, ‘Purged Flesh’, ‘Barbaric Regression’ and ‘Industrial Obedience’. A video for ‘Perverse Dominion’ (directed by Brian Boeckman) can be watched at this location. For more band information please visit www.facebook.com/genocidepact
Relics From The Past, the sub-label of Dying Victims Productions, will re-release the second album from Germany’s Heavy / Speed Metal quartet MAD BUTCHER, “Metal Meat”, on December 17, 2021 on vinyl LP format. The album was originally released via Metal Enterprises in 1987. The tracklist reads as follows: ‘Remember’, ‘Drivin Drivin’, ‘U Can’t Stand It’, ‘Looser’, ‘Flesh In The Night’, ‘Freewind’, ‘Machine’, ‘Hypnotized’, ‘Silhouette In Red’ and ‘Children Of Tomorrow’. For all further information check out www.dying-victims.de or www.facebook.com/dyingvictimsproductions
Uppsala, Sweden based progressive jazz-infused Death Metallers GOLD SPIRE have just premiered the track ‘Skull Choirs’ over here. It will appear on the band’s upcoming, self-titled debut album, which will be released on November 05, 2021 via Chaos Records. The previously revealed video for ‘Headless Snake’ can furthermore be watched at this location. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Day Dawns Dark’, ‘Headless Snake’, ‘The Old Bridge’, ‘Gloria’, ‘Husk Of God’, ‘Skull Choirs’, ‘Fetid Waters’ and ‘The Wayfinder’. GOLD SPIRE features current and former members of USURPRESS, SARCASM and OBSKYR. More about GOLD SPIRE at www.facebook.com/gold-spire-110700734533411
Italian Death Metal four-piece SPIRITUAL DECEPTION is streaming their upcoming EP “Oxymoron” in its entirety at this location now. It was recorded, mixed and mastered by Andrea Oriani at Blue House Studio, the orchestration was recorded by Giacomo Savina at Black Alley Studios. The EP will be released on October 08, 2021. For more info please visit www.facebook.com/spiritualdeception
On October 31, 2021 Wales, UK based Post Black Metallers ASENATH BLAKE will self-release a new five song EP entitled “Tribeckoning Songs” on Bandcamp. This time, its theme will be the life and work of the surrealist witch Leonora Carrington (1917 – 2011). The material was composed, recorded and mixed by Asenath Blake in her remote Welsh cottage. Check out https://asenathblake.bandcamp.com for more details.
On October 31, 2021 Hells Headbangers will release a new covers collection from DECEASED, “Thrash Times At Ridgemont High”, on CD format. It will feature the following tracks: ‘Spit On Your Grave’ (WHIPLASH), ‘Pray For Death’ (BLESSED DEATH), ‘Sacrifice’ (SACRIFICE), ‘Get Stoned’ (STONE), ‘Into The Universe’ (ARTILLERY), ‘Take This Torch’ (RAZOR), ‘Thrashing Rage’ (VOIVOD), ‘Death Squad’ (DARKNESS), ‘In The Grip Of Evil’ (CYCLONE), ‘Demons’ (RIGOR MORTIS), ‘Demon Preacher’ (DEATHWISH) and ‘Ilona (The Very Best)’ (BULLDOZER). You can already listen to SACRIFICE’s ‘Sacrifice’ at this location. More DECEASED info you will find at www.facebook.com/deceasedofficial
On November 26, 2021 Seance Records will release a special anniversary album from BLACK CRUCIFIXION, “Triginta”, on CD and cassette tape formats. It features three new tracks and carefully chosen live versions of BLACK CRUCIFIXION’s material throughout the three decades of their career. You can check out one of the new tracks, ‘Beyond Linkola’ right here. The complete “Triginta” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Night Birds Fall Upon You’, ‘Beyond Linkola’, ‘Throneburner’, ‘Bitten By The Long Frosts Of Life (live)’, ‘Frailest (live)’, ‘As Black As The Roses (As Weak As My Smile) (live)’, ‘Wrath Without Hate (live)’, ‘Retaliation (live)’ and ‘Black Crucifixion (live)’. More about BLACK CRUCIFIXION at www.facebook.com/blackcrucifixion
Minneapolis, Minnesota based Death Metal trio SUNLESS has just premiered a third single from their upcoming sophomore album “Ylem”. You can stream ‘Ascended Forms’ at this location. The album will be released via Willowtip Records on October 29, 2021 on CD, vinyl and digital formats. It was engineered by Adam Tucker at Signaturetone Recording in Minneapolis and mixed and mastered by Colin Marston at Menegroth, The Thousand Caves Studio in Queens, New York. More about SUNLESS at www.facebook.com/sunlessband
Finland’s Death Metallers INBORN TENDENCY have just released a new four song EP entitled “Godkiller” via The Charon Collective. The EP opener ‘Sacrifice’ can be streamed over here. For all further band information please visit www.facebook.com/inborntendency
Relics From The Past (a sub-label of Dying Victims Productions) will re-release “Otal Steel”, the second album from Japanese Thrashers SACRIFICE, on December 17, 2021 on vinyl LP. It features the following tracks: ‘Clumsy Life’, ‘Total Steel’, ‘Crucifixion’, ‘Dancing Death Valley’, ‘One Night King’, ‘Ins And Outs’, ‘Fight To Be Free’, ‘Don’t Wanna Be Back In Black Days’ and ‘Cold Storm’. All additional SACRIFICE info you will find at www.facebook.com/sacrificejapan
Finnish Black Metallers FORDOM have just premiered the track ‘The Uprising Of Barbatos’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s debut full length “Manic Howls”, which will be released on November 05, 2021 via Night In Terrors. The previously revealed ‘Destroying The Temple Of God’ can still be checked out here. The complete tracklist reads as follows: ‘Inside The Temple Of Bael’, ‘Destroying The Temple Of God’, ‘The Uprising Of Barbatos’, ‘Rituals Spreading Into The World’, ‘Fuck The Messiah’, ‘Confession To Astaroth’ and ‘Lucifer Rises Again’. More info at https://nightinterrorsrecords.bandcamp.com
Lima, Peru based Death Metallers EVIL DAMN have just premiered the track ‘Beast Of Rlyeh’ over here. It will appear on the band’s debut full length “Necronomicon”, which will be released on October 29, 2021 via Hells Headbangers on CD format. The vinyl version will follow next year. The previously revealed ‘The Curse’ can still be streamed at this location. The full “Necronomicon” tracklist reads as follows: ‘The Curse’, ‘Beast Of Rlyeh’, ‘Ceremonial Decimation’, ‘Graveless Cadaver’, ‘Darkness Will Remain’, ‘Altares De Innsmouth’, ‘Shaitan’, ‘Necronomicon’ and ‘Christ Death’ (SARCOFAGO cover). For all additional information please check out www.facebook.com/hellsheadbangers
French Black / Folk Metallers PAYDRETZ are streaming their debut full length “Chroniques De L’Insurrection” at this location now. The album will be released on October 08, 2021 via Antiq. More about PAYDRETZ at www.facebook.com/paydretz
On December 10, 2021 Iron Bonehead Productions will release “Proskynesis”, a new EP from Germany’s ROPE SECT, on CD and 10″ vinyl formats. The following tracks will be featured on it: ‘Proskynesis I’, ‘Proskynesis II’, ‘Proskynesis III’, ‘Handsome Youth’, ‘Lava’ and ‘Odisseia’. A video for ‘Proskynesis III’ can be checked out here. All additional ROPE SECT information you will find at www.facebook.com/theropesect
Albuquerque, New Mexico based blackened Death / Thrash Metallers FEED THE CORPSES TO THE PIGS have just premiered ‘The Death Of Expertise’, a song from their forthcoming full length “This Insidious Horror”, over here. The album will be released on October 15, 2021 via Horror Pain Gore Death Productions. A lyric video for the track ‘Jesus Is My Respirator’ can be checked out at this location and a video for the album’s first single ‘Ghost Of Winter’ (featuring Rick Rozz from DEATH / MASSACRE) is still available over here. More about FEED THE CORPSES TO THE PIGS at www.facebook.com/feedthecorpsestothepigs
Spanish blackened technical Death Metallers THIRTEEN BLED PROMISES have just premiered an animated video for their new single ‘Hell Froze’ at this location. The track is taken from the band’s forthcoming EP “Foundation”, which will be released on October 22, 2021 via Lacerated Enemy Records. The EP’s first single ‘A Humanless War’ is still available here youtu.be/BMFDeoTly08. For all additional THIRTEEN BLED PROMISES info please visit www.facebook.com/thirteenbp
Greek Black Metallers CULT OF EIBON have just premiered the track ‘Phaesphoros’ at this location. It will appear on the band’s debut album “Black Flame Dominion”, which will be released on October 29, 2021 via Iron Bonehead Productions. The previously revealed ‘Into The Realm Of Na-Girt-A-Lu’ can still be streamed over here. The complete tracklist reads like this: ‘The Fiery Pillars Of Ninazu (Intro)’, ‘Into The Realm Of Na-Girt-A-Lu’, ‘The Dreamer And The Morning Star’, ‘Phaesphoros’, ‘Black Flame Dominion’, ‘Recollections From The Chtonian Empire’, ‘Crossing The Stargate Of Xitalu’ and ‘The Mournful Chime Of Charon’s Bell’. More CULT OF EIBON info you will find at www.facebook.com/thecultofeibon
“Echoing Chambers Of Soul”, the first (and final) album from French Death Metallers CADAVERIC FUMES, will be released via Blood Harvest Records on CD, vinyl LP and cassette tape formats. The CD and tape versions will be out on December 10, 2021, while the vinyl version will follow in January 2022. The tracklist of the album reads as follows: ‘Exordium’, ‘The Stirring Unknown’, ‘A Desolate Breed’, ‘Waters Of Absu’, ‘The Engulfed Sepulcher’, ‘In Cold Astral Sleep’ and ‘Voidgazers’. The track ‘The Engulfed Sepulcher’ can already be checked out at this location. All additional band information you will find at www.facebook.com/cadavericfumes
“Doppelherz”, the fourth album of Sweden’s REVEAL!, will be released via Sepulchral Voice Records on December 10, 2021 on CD and vinyl LP formats. It will feature the following songs: ‘Cocoon (Bitch Regalia)’, ‘Inshallah’, ‘Cokkkfights’, ‘Angel’s Bend’, ‘Clearly, God Damn’, ‘Stalactites (When Cast Down The Mountain)’, ‘Mal Aria’, ‘Bags Of Shine’, ‘Some Marionettes, Some Kites (A Few Knives)’ and ‘Doppelherz’. A first track will be revealed shortly. For more band info and regular updates follow REVEAL! at www.facebook.com/revealswe
Norway’s blackened Thrashers SARKE have just revealed another song from their upcoming new album “Allsighr”. You can check out a visualizer video for ‘Beheading Of The Circus Director’ over here. “Allsighr” will be released via Soulseller Records on November 05, 2021. It was recorded by Børge Finstad and Kevin Kleiven at Top Room Studios, mixed by Lars Erik Westby at H-10 productions and mastered by Thomas Eberger at Stockholm Mastering. The artwork was created by Kjell Åge Meland. Here’s the complete tracklist: ‘Bleak Reflections’, ‘Grim Awakening’, ‘Funeral Fire’, ‘Allsighr’, ‘Beheading Of The Circus Director’, ‘Through The Thorns’, ‘Glacial Casket’, ‘Sleep In Fear’, ‘The Reverberation of The Lost’ and ‘Imprisoned’. More about SARKE at www.facebook.com/sarkeofficial
On January 24, 2022 Memento Mori will release the CD version of “Perpetual Animation”, the debut full-length from Oakland, California based Death / Doom Metallers LEATHER GLOVE. It was previously only available on vinyl, tape and digital since its March 2019 release. LEATHER GLOVE is the solo project of sound engineer Greg Wilkinson (vocals, guitars, bass), owner and founder / operator of Earhammer Studios in Oakland, California. In LEATHER GLOVE he got help from drummers Chad Gailey (NECROT, VASTUM, MORTUOUS, ATRAMENT) and Dustin Ferris (APRAXIC, PLEASURE CROSS, ENGORGED), while a bunch of guitar solos have been contributed by Sean McGrath (GHOUL, IMPALED), Shelby Lermo (VASTUM, ULTHAR, EXTREMITY), Eric Cutler (AUTOPSY) and Danny Corrales (AUTOPSY, ABSCESS). The Memento Mori CD version of “Perpetual Animation” will also include the three tracks from the “Skin On Glass” demo from 2016 as bonus. More LEATHERGLOVE at https://leatherglove.bandcamp.com
Spanish Death Metallers FIERCE CULT have just released a video for ‘One Shot, One Death’ at this location. The song appears on the band’s debut full length “Where Humanity Ends”, which was self-released by the band. The album features the following tracks: ‘The Beginning…’, ‘One Shot, One Death’, ‘Share My Death’, ‘Choose Your Gun’, ‘Anger’, ‘Broken Glass’, ‘Where Humanity Ends’, ‘Feed On Fear’, ‘Bite The Hand’, ‘Blood’ and ‘…Of The End’. More band info you will find at www.facebook.com/fiercecult
Canadian Black / Death / War Metal trio MALGÖTH is streaming their upcoming debut full length “Glory Through Savagery” at this location now. It will be released via Iron Bonehead Productions today. For more MALGÖTH check out https://malgoth.bandcamp.com
On October 29, 2021 Werewolf Records will release “Nightmare Lord”, the debut full length from Finnish Black Metallers MORGAL, on CD and cassette tape formats. The vinyl LP version will follow next year. You can already check out the album tracks ‘Death Vortex’ and ‘Gateways Of Flesh And Blood’ here and here. The complete “Nightmare Lord” tracklist reads as follows: ‘Golden Sun Of Satan’, ‘Death Vortex’, ‘Extermination / Death Penetration’, ‘Flaming Mouth Of Baphomet’, ‘Gateways Of Flesh & Blood’, ‘Nightmare Lord’ and ‘Mortifer’. For all additional MORGAL information please visit www.facebook.com/morgalofficial
San Antonio, Texas based melodic Death / Black Metal artist BRYAN ECKERMANN has just released a lyric video for ‘The Devouring Sun’ right here. The track will appear on his upcoming album “Plague Bringers”, which will be released on November 05, 2021. It was recorded, engineered, produced, mixed and mastered by Bryan Eckermann at Bonespill Studios from August 2020 to August 2021. A lyric video for the album’s first single ‘Ice Queen’ is still available at this location. “Plague Bringers” will feature the following tracks: ‘Ice Queen’, ‘Sands Of The Hourglass’, ‘The Devouring Sun’, ‘Reflections In A Dirty Mirror’, ‘Moonlight And Frostbite’, ‘Plague Bringers’, ‘An Oath Of Scrying Souls’, ‘Astral Realms’, ‘Skinwalker’, ‘Of Death And Decay’, ‘Tomorrow’s Lie’ and ‘Oblivion’. For all further info please visit www.facebook.com/bryaneckermannofficial
Norwegian Death Metallers HIDEOUS DEATH are streaming their debut demo “Remnants Of Archaic Evil” in its entirety over here now. It will be released via Invictus Productions on cassette tape format today. For ordering details please visit www.invictusproductions.net or www.facebook.com/invictusproductions