Satan's March Black Metal
(Symbol Of Domination Productions / Satanath Records)

This is well produced and well played Black Metal by an Italian band that seems to be much influenced by the Swedish scene. Some guitar work bears the distinct mark of bands like DISSECTION and DARK FUNERAL, mainly when you have one guitar playing a more basic riff and the other playing a more artistic one over it. They may rely a bit too much on their source material so to speak, but they do have a personal touch and the songs are good. The technical execution is quite efficient, with the drumming being particularly intense at times. Sometimes they can even be surprisingly melodic, such as in ‘Arcana’, that may very well be the best track in the album, despite other highlights such as ‘Holy Whore’. The band’s image and concept are very much focused on anti-christianity and Satan, and the album’s cover, the titles, and everything really, convey so from the first moment. The album begins with a Satanic invocation in Italian over some medieval-styled music, and goes on through successive blasphemies, including a version in Italian of Baudelaire’s ‘Litanie A Satan’ (a poem that has been occasionally finding its way into Black Metal at least since ROOT’s brilliant ‘Hell Symphony’). In spite of the permanent speed, at their more generic moments I sometimes find the band a little bland and lacking some punch (it must be the guitar’s distortion), like in the aforementioned ‘Litanie A Satan’ and, in contrast with the composition effort, I sometimes find the vocals lack a little more complexity and less monotony. All things considered, they clearly put some effort into this album, both lyrically and musically, including several interesting touches; for example, I like their occasional use of acoustic guitars, sometimes over distorted electric guitars (reminding me of Swedish bands again). And the effort shows, making for a strong release. So if you’re into this kind of stuff check them out at:,

Ricardo Campos

Ricardo Campos

Satan's March Black Metal
(Symbol Of Domination Productions / Satanath Records)

The band name means something like ‘To the Funeral Night’ in Pigeon Latin, and with song titles like ‘Fuck Christian’s Cross’ or ‘Inquisition Of Christ’, you know what you’re in for. It’s a mix between the more melodic side of Black Metal and a tiny little bit of evil rawness, not unlike DARK FUNERAL or MARDUK – or any other entry level Black Metal band that loves to play festivals. Kinda good for what it’s supposed to be, but not a classic-to-be by any means.,

Thomas Reitmayer

Thomas Reitmayer

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