Nuclear Death Thrash
(Old Cemetery Records)
I’d heard Thrash this and that about ASSAULT from Chile, and was afraid it would be something weak like… well, let’s just say bands who sing about ninja turtles and shit like that, but I shoulda fuckin’ known better coz ASSAULT is from South America and you know they don’t fuck around over there (except maybe for those ladies in ANGRA)! This is not their proper debut album if you will, but a collection of songs off of 3 of their demos. So, you’ll get varying levels of sound and recording, but every thrashing second can be heard quite well considering they are demos and were recorded in very primitive conditions, I’m sure. Sorry to seem lazy here but the band and title are correct: this is a nuclear Death Thrash assault of the rawest kind! Of course it’s not quite pure Thrash as there’s a slight Death touch and some blasting moments peppered here and there that add to the variety. As I said raw, crude and cruel but well played yet still primitive! This is definitely a ‘Terrorist Aggression’ that leaves ‘Atomic Desolation’ as these song titles attest! ‘Hail Black War’ indeed!,
Luis M.L. Sallard