Mother Culture
(Dark Essence Records)
After the self-titled EP in 2016 AVAST are now presenting their debut full-length. The opener ‘Mother Culture’ convinces with blasting drums and fast tremolo picking guitars with a slight melodic touch, a frantic screaming (high, but not too high) vocalist and keyboard passages perfectly fitting into this setting. Somewhat a mixture of EMPEROR and NAGLFAR. Especially the songwriting is first class with fast, slow and mid-tempo parts, ups and and downs (referring to the atmosphere). Surprisingly the second track ‘The Myth’ is an instrumental, very impressive with that forceful sound. The following songs are done in the same manner, bringing the Norwegian based trio in a top position for Black Metal debut of the year. What I do not appreciate are the so-called (Post) Black Metal influences, particularly the last two songs ‘An Earnest Desire’ and ‘Man Belongs To The World’ are lacking of genuine Black Metal spirit. For me this (Post) Black Metal elements are simply too boring, sounding like a never ending intro. But that is just my personal opinion and I think Black Metal fans should definitely visit www.facebook.com/avastband and www.darkessencerecords.no anyway to make up their own minds.
Mirco Szymyslik