(Unique Leader Records)
A new addition to the “New Wave Of Dutch Brutality” (courtesy of UNHOLY TERROR zine, Horns up guys!) arsenal of bands are BRUTUS who are heavily inspired by US Death Metal outfits like DEEDS OF FLESH or GORGASM and were conceived from the womb of a rotten whore in the year 2000. Whereas in terms of inspiration the other Dutch brutal Death bands either incline to SUFFOCATION or CANNIBAL CORPSE one can attest BRUTUS of having an individual yet not too original sound. They simply deliver half an hour of damn heavy, sick and dark blast-and-growl symphonies with memorable yet complex song structures and an absolutely perfect production (Excess Studios). Since the album was already recorded in 2002 I wondered why it got released so late, but I guess it is the typical business slowdown. “Slachtbeest” needed some time to fully convince me but in the end with songs like ‘Onan’, ‘Doodsvrees’ and ‘Grafzerk’ it turned out to be a very rewarding experience that does not lose its fascination as soon as e.g. the latest SEVERE TORTURE. BRUTUS stand for sinister, low and natural sounding growls, severely detuned guitars and mostly speed. I definitely miss some slower passages like I do about most brutal Death bands today, but in BRUTUS case the blasting does not bore me or gets too monotonous…I don’t have a real explanation for that, maybe it is the good deal of morbid atmosphere the album breathes out… you have to decide for yourself! “Slachtbeest” is a damn good album and it meanwhile has grown my favourite “Dutch brutality” attack beside DISAVOWED’s “Perceptive Deception”. It is violent, nasty, intense and despite its parallels to DEEDS OF FLESH it simply has no weak points. Visit www.brutushakken.nl or www.uniqueleader-europe.com for additional info and MP3.
Stefan Franke