One Hand, One Foot... And A Lot Of Teeth
(STF Records)

It’s been quite a while since I came across an album that sounded so honest and right into your face like it is the case with DEATH BY DAWN’s debut full length “One Hand, One Foot… And A Lot Of Teeth”. These guys certainly won’t win a “perfect production” contest as the whole material got recorded live in a studio, in just two sessions (5 days in total!), but hey, that’s what Metal used to be about originally, wasn’t it? I mean, pick any 80s classic and listen to the production… Almost none of those records used to be perfect in that department, yet convinced with a whole lot of energy, uniqueness or killer songwriting. Well, I wouldn’t necessarily label DEATH BY DAWN as unique either, but it’s still great fun to listen to them nevertheless. Musically they deliver a very raw mixture of Death and Thrash Metal, while the guitarwork occasionally adds a slightly rockier approach to it and their overall attitude (not the music) is obviously very much rooted in the Punk genre (lyrics, coverart etc.). I don’t really completely agree with other reviews that started to label the band as “Death’n’Roll”, because in my opinion the album is first and foremost addressed to fans of aggressive Thrash Metal, with some touches of Death Metal (the latter mostly due to Martin van Drunen’s charismatic and hateful-as-ever vocal delivery). So, if you can listen to PESTILENCE’s still rather thrashy debut “Malleus Maleficarum” with similar delight as to good old MOTÖRHEAD (for the aforementioned “rockier approach”), or consider yourself as a van Drunen worshipper you should really make sure to check these guys out. And don’t let yourselves discourage by the rather unprofessional and weird looking packaging (for this type of music)… the music definitely makes up for it! You can order a copy of the CD for 12 Euro (ppd.) directly through the band’s website

Frank Stöver

Frank Stöver

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